Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Limited clarity on Canada’s

       net-zero path

       Canada’s government has unveiled vague details of steps the country

       would take to achieve net-zero emissions, but the energy regulator

       still sees a role for oil and gas

        CANADA           THE Canadian government has proposed a bill   The bill, which was put forward by Canadian
                         that sets out a path towards net-zero greenhouse  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on November
       WHAT:             gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. However, the bill  19, did not attach any additional spending to
       Canada is stepping up its   in its current form does not provide an enforce-  meet these targets, nor did it provide an enforce-
       decarbonisation efforts,   ment mechanism and is limited on details.  ment mechanism or further details of how the
       but oil and gas is forecast   Additionally, the fact that Canada has missed  five-year targets were to be met. Instead, it
       to continue playing a   its environmental targets in the past has led to  seeks to formalise a requirement for the federal
       major role in the fuel mix   scepticism over how much impact the legislation  government to set regular goals and report on
       over the long term.  could have.                       progress.
                           Meanwhile, a new report released around   This comes after Trudeau made climate action
       WHY:              the same time by the Canada Energy Regula-  a goal during his re-election campaign last year.
       The Canada Energy   tor (CER) envisions oil and gas continuing to  However, as his Liberal Party now rules with a
       Regulator does not expect   account for most of the fuel mix over the long  minority government, he would need support
       oil and gas use to be   term unless there is an accelerated energy  from at least one other party to make the bill
       reduced to less than 60%   transition.                 law. This may prove challenging, given that the
       of the fuel mix without                                bill has attracted criticism from both sides of
       an accelerated energy   Limited clarity                the political spectrum. Conservatives pointed
       transition.       Despite this, there is now slightly more clarity on  to Trudeau’s poor track record of meeting envi-
                         how Canada would progress towards net zero –  ronmental targets, while Green Party leader
       WHAT NEXT:        or at least step up decarbonisation efforts even  Annamie Paul described the bill as “smoke and
       Ottawa’s plans to achieve   if the net-zero emissions target remains elusive.  mirrors”.
       net-zero emissions by   Under the bill’s proposals, Ottawa would be   “There are no targets and no specific actions
       2050 would be difficult to   required to set new targets, as well as a plan for  designed to put Canada on a pathway to net
       enforce in their current   achieving them, every five years between 2030  zero. In short, there is no plan,” she said, add-
       form.             and 2050.                            ing that without penalties the government

                                                                                                  Canadian Prime
                                                                                                  Minister Justin Trudeau
                                                                                                  made climate action
                                                                                                  a goal during his re-
                                                                                                  election campaign last

       Week 47   26•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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