Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         would be able to ignore future targets.  having peaked in 2019. It is projected to drop by
                           Indeed, Canada has a record of failing to meet  12% by 2030 and 35% by 2050, with coal being
                         targets in this area. In 2011, former Canadian  phased out of power generation altogether.
                         Prime Minister Stephen Harper pulled the  However, both oil and gas production are pro-
                         country out of the Kyoto Protocol, as it was fac-  jected to keep rising, peaking in 2039 and 2040
                         ing billions of dollars in penalties if it remained  respectively thanks to the expansion of existing
                         after falling behind with its targets.  in-situ oil sands projects and growing LNG
                           Canada is now set to miss its 2020 target  exports.
                         under the Paris Agreement, as well as being on   “Achieving net-zero greenhouse gases
                         track to fall short of its 2025 target. Under the  (GHG) emissions in Canada within the next
                         Paris Agreement, Canada is supposed to reduce  30 years will require stronger policies and
                         its emissions by 30% by 2030 compared to 2005  greater adoption of low-carbon technologies,”
                         levels.                              the CER said in a statement accompanying the
                                                              release of its outlook. “Canadian and interna-
                         A role for fossil fuels              tional efforts to reduce GHG emissions will be   Canada is now
                         The CER’s energy outlook, which was released  a critical factor in how energy systems evolve
                         within days of Trudeau’s bill being proposed,  in the long term.”          set to miss its
                         shows that fossil fuel use can decline between   While the CER does not rule out the possi-  2020 target
                         now and 2050 depending on the speed of the  bility that Canada’s fossil fuel consumption has
                         energy transition. However, it is expected to  already peaked and will carry on declining, its   under the Paris
                         continue playing a dominant role in the fuel mix.  comments point to the scale of the challenge
                           The CER’s outlook includes two scenarios – a  ahead if this is to be achieved. Given the impor-  Agreement, as
                         reference energy system scenario and an evolv-  tance of policy in driving the energy transi-
                         ing energy system scenario. Under the reference  tion in the CER’s view, this could prove to be a   well as being
                         energy system scenario, fossil fuel consumption  particular stumbling block for Ottawa unless   on track to fall
                         is relatively unchanged between now and 2050,  Trudeau succeeds in winning support for more
                         with steady improvements in energy efficiency  stringent climate change legislation.  short of its 2025
                         offsetting population growth and rising indus-  And without a more rapid energy transi-
                         trial output, particularly in the oil sands. Under  tion, driven primarily by tougher policies and   target.
                         this scenario, natural gas plays a larger role in  evolving technology, the CER still sees fossil
                         the electricity mix over time and future pro-  fuels accounting for over 60% of the fossil fuel
                         duction of oil and gas is greater owing to higher  mix by 2050. While much of Canada’s oil and
                         prices and a relative lack of domestic climate  gas production is geared towards exports, this
                         change policies beyond what is already in place.  nonetheless suggests that the country’s energy
                           Under the evolving energy system scenario,  transition is not anticipated to kill off the oil and
                         meanwhile, fossil fuel consumption is shown as  gas industry any time soon.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   26•November•2020
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