Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 15

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       Suncor to assume Syncrude

       operatorship by end of 2021

        ALBERTA          CANADA’S Suncor Energy has said it will  the two assets. Indeed, Suncor’s president and
                         become the operator of the Syncrude Canada  CEO, Mark Little, said the company anticipates
                         joint venture by the end of 2021. The company  achieving synergies of around CAD300mn
                         – Syncrude’s majority owner with a 58.74% stake  ($230mn) after it takes on the operatorship
                         – has reached an agreement in principle with the  of Syncrude. He warned that some job losses
                         other partners in the project on taking over the  could be expected on the administrative side of
                         operatorship. The agreement still needs to be  the business once the transfer of operatorship
                         finalised. Currently, Syncrude itself is the day-  is complete.
                         to-day operator.                       “What’s happening now is, instead of having
                           The other partners in Syncrude are Imperial  a duplicate structure, now Suncor will take over
                         Oil Resources with a 25% interest, Sinopec Oil  that and the two organisations essentially will
                         Sands Partnership with a 9% stake and CNOOC  become one. And now we can bring the talents
                         Oil Sands Canada with 7.2%. Suncor has steadily  and capability on both sides of the fence to try to
                         increased its interest in Syncrude from 12% in  make this business as strong as possible,” he told
                         2016, reaching 58.74% through a series of acqui-  CBC News.
                         sitions. The company is also operator of the Fort   Imperial, meanwhile, said it would relin-
                         Hills project, as well as its oil sands base plant and  quish its contract to provide business manage-
                         in-situ assets.                      ment services to Syncrude once Suncor takes
                           Bi-directional pipelines connecting Sun-  over as operator. Under the contract, staff from
                         cor’s base plant to Syncrude facilities have  Imperial were seconded to certain positions at
                         been built and are now being commissioned,  Syncrude and used to assist in implementing
                         which is expected to result in increased inte-  strategies. The contract has been in place for
                         gration and operational flexibility between  around 14 years.™

       Venture Global picks Plaquemines contractor

        LOUISIANA        US-BASED Venture Global LNG announced  time that the design of the trains would enable
                         this week that it had awarded the engineering,  the company to achieve the “fastest construction
                         procurement and construction (EPC) contract  schedule in the LNG industry” while driving risk
                         for the first phase of the proposed Plaquemines  reductions across the entire project.
                         LNG export terminal in Louisiana to KBR.  The company aims to use its experience of
                           In a November 23 statement, Venture Global  constructing Calcaseiu Pass to drive further
                         said KBR would integrate “highly modularised,  improvements at Plaquemines LNG if it goes
                         owner-furnished equipment” at Plaquemines  ahead.
                         LNG. The equipment is identical to the systems   “KBR has an exceptional record in the LNG
       Venture Global is   currently being installed at Venture Global’s  industry, having designed and delivered approxi-
       replicating its design   Calcasieu Pass LNG facility, also in Louisana.  mately a third of the liquefaction capacity world-
       of Calcasieu Pass LNG   There are 18 mid-scale, modular liquefaction  wide,” stated Sabel this week. “They recognise
       with the Plaquemines   trains being manufactured in a factory setting  that our innovation of mid-scale, modular trains
       project.          and delivered complete to the Calcasieu Pass  manufactured in a factory setting and delivered
                         site for installation. A further 18 trains would  complete to site is revolutionising this industry.”
                         be installed at Plaquemines if that project goes   Venture Global has signed binding 20-year
                         ahead. Both facilities have a design capacity of  offtake agreements with Poland’s PGNiG and
                         10mn tonnes per year (tpy).          France’s EDF for a combined 3.5mn tpy of the
                           For Calcasieu Pass, the trains are being  Plaquemines terminal’s capacity, with PGNiG
                         built by Baker Hughes, and Venture Global  committing to 2.5mn tpy and EDF to 1mn
                         announced earlier in November that the first  tpy. The company is currently anticipating a
                         two 600,000 tpy trains had been delivered to  final investment decision (FID) on the pro-
                         the facility’s site in Louisana’s Cameron Parish  ject around mid-2021, with start-up following
                         ahead of schedule. Venture Global’s executive  in 2024. Calcasieu Pass is anticipated to come
                         co-chairman and CEO, Mike Sabel, said at the  online in late 2022.™

       Week 47   26•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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