Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 17

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            lock-up of capital is necessary to ensure the   “Safety is our number one value at S&B,”
                                           ability to navigate market cycles typically   said Taylor. “With 2,000 people working on
       Bellatorum Resources                found in the commodities arena, especially oil   site, we took precautions early to ensure the
                                                                                safety of our team members. Mandates for
                                           and gas. Most partnerships on the market last
       launches $100mn Sentinel            less than three years.               face coverings, staggered lunches and buses,
                                                                                social distancing, and compliance auditing
                                           BELLATORUM RESOURCES, November 24,
       fund                                2020                                 were all important protocol changes that our
                                                                                team members had to accommodate to keep
       Bellatorum Resources, a veteran-owned and                                each other safe.”
       operated firm, has announced the launch of its  MIDSTREAM                  In the last five years, S&B has designed
       $100mn Sentinel Energy Investments. Capital                              and built 13 NGL fractionation plants. With
       raised for the Sentinel fund will be used to   S&B completes 300,000 bpd   the completion of this project S&B has now
       purchase oil and gas royalties in the Permian                            designed and installed more than 2 million
       Basin, Eagle Ford shale, Haynesville shale, and   NGL fractionation project for   BPD of NGL fractionation capacity for its
       Barnett shale, all located in the State of Texas                         clients.
       where Bellatorum has a proven track record of   Phillips 66                This project added the second and third
       success. Sentinel is Bellatorum’s eighth fund.                           fractionation plants to the original first train
         The minimum investment in Sentinel is   S&B today announced the successful, on-time   built for Phillips 66. All three plants were
       $10,000, and up to 2,000 accredited investors   completion of two NGL fractionation plants   executed contractually lump sum in the
       will be allowed to participate. Investors will   for Phillips 66. The plants have a combined   Phillips 66 Sweeny Hub in Old Ocean, Texas.
       receive an 8% preferred annualised return   capacity of 300,000 barrels per day (bpd),   S&B ENGINEERS AND CONSTRUCTORS,
       before Bellatorum is able to start sharing in   quadrupling the processing capacity at the   November 23, 2020
       the profits. After the preferred return is met,   Phillips 66 Sweeny Hub.
       all profits will then be split at a rate of 80/20   “The successful completion of this project   Oneok included in Dow
       with 80% going to the investor, and 20% to   is due to our team and the partnership we
       Bellatorum. A 15-20% IRR, or annualised   created with Phillips 66 throughout the   Jones Sustainability World
       return for investors, is being targeted by   entire process,” said David Taylor, COO of
       Bellatorum. Investments into Sentinel are   S&B Engineers and Constructors. “Planning,   and North America indices
       being accepted through the week of December  designing, and building a large-scale plant,
       14. A specialised online deal room for Sentinel  such as this, takes a significant amount of time   Oneok today announced its inclusion in
       has been created to provide a seamless   and effort. Phillips 66 trusted our processes,   the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index
       investment process.                 procedures and workflows, which created an   (DJSI World) and Dow Jones Sustainability
         Capital invested in Sentinel may be   environment that allowed us all to succeed.”  North America Index (DJSI North America).
       locked in for five years with two, one-year   The on-time mechanical completion of   Additionally, Oneok was named the DJSI
       discretional extensions. However, it is possible   this project has increased significance because   Industry Leader for Oil and Gas Storage and
       that an exit could happen much earlier, as has   peak construction occurred at a time when   Transportation.
       been the case in previous funds managed by   COVID-19 cases were rising in the United   This marks Oneok’s first inclusion in
       Bellatorum. The strategy behind the five-year   States.                  the DJSI World Index, where it is currently
                                                                                the only North American energy company
                                                                                included in the group of global sustainability
                                                                                leaders. The company was also included in
                                                                                the DJSI North America Index for the second
                                                                                consecutive year.
                                                                                  “The recognition of Oneok’s long history
                                                                                of sustainability performance and first
                                                                                time inclusion in the DJSI World Index
                                                                                are the result of our employees’ hard work
                                                                                and dedication to operating safely and
                                                                                responsibly,” said Terry K. Spencer, Oneok
                                                                                president and chief executive officer. “Making
                                                                                ESG a priority throughout our operations has
                                                                                long been an important strategy for Oneok.
                                                                                While we are proud of the progress we’ve
                                                                                made and these recognitions from DJSI, our
                                                                                focus remains on continuing to improve our
                                                                                ESG performance.”
                                                                                  Founded in 1999, the DJSI was the
                                                                                first global sustainability benchmark and
                                                                                tracks the stock performance of the world’s
                                                                                leading companies in terms of economic,
                                                                                environmental and social criteria. The DJSI
                                                                                World Index tracks the performance of the

       Week 47   26•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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