Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 16

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Shell reportedly ready to shut Convent refinery

        LOUISIANA        ROYAL Dutch Shell may begin the permanent   Data from the US Energy Information
                         shutdown of its refinery in Convent, Louisiana  Administration (EIA) shows that US refineries
                         next week, according to sources familiar with the  were running at 78.8% of their total combined
                         plant’s operations that were cited by Reuters on  capacity of 18.6mn bpd in August, down from
                         November 24.                         83.1% in March.
                           This comes after Shell announced on Novem-  Shell’s Convent refinery, located around 57
                         ber 5 that the refinery would close after failing to  miles (92 km) west of New Orleans, has a capac-
                         find a buyer for the facility amid the coronavirus  ity of 211,146 bpd. The facility employs 700 Shell
                         (COVID-19) pandemic.                 workers and 400 contract workers. It is not the
                           The Convent plant is the first refinery on the  only one of Shell’s facilities globally to be affected
                         US Gulf Coast to close permanently owing to the  by the downturn in demand – the super-ma-
                         pandemic-related decline in demand for refined  jor also halved crude processing capacity at its
                         products, though eight other such facilities  500,000 bpd Pulau Bukom plant in Singapore
                         across the country have either been idled or are  earlier this month, and has been seeking to sell
                         preparing to be shut down. In August, Calcasieu  other plants in the US.
                         Refining idled its 135,500 barrel per day (bpd)   Shell has previously said that it would con-
                         plant in Lake Charles, Louisiana, citing weak  tinue to look for a buyer for the Convent refin-
                         margins from falling demand. Permanent clo-  ery after completing the shutdown process.
                         sures, meanwhile, are being seen at plants else-  The company also noted that while it would
                         where in the US. This includes two of Marathon  retain a refining and chemicals presence on
                         Petroleum’s refineries, in Martinez, California  the Gulf Coast, the decision to shut the refin-
                         and Gallup, New Mexico, which the company  ery is in line with its strategy to focus on a
                         has said it will not restart.        low-carbon future.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Enbridge starts work on second

       solar-powered compressor station

        US NORTHEAST     ENBRIDGE announced last week that it had   Merit SI has been selected as the engineering,
                         broken ground on the Heidlersburg solar pro-  procurement and construction (EPC) contrac-
                         ject – the company’s second solar facility that  tor for the Heidlersburg, having also worked on
                         will be built to supply part of the power needs  the Lambertville solar plant. Enbridge noted
                         for a compressor station serving one of its  that it is continuing to evaluate the potential for
                         pipelines.                           developing solar capacity to help power other
                           Like Enbridge’s Lambertville solar project  compressor stations along Texas Eastern.
                         in New Jersey, which NewsBase has previously   Together, the Lambertville and Heidlersburg
       Enbridge launched its   covered, the Heidlersburg compressor station  projects are anticipated cumulatively to reduce
       first solar plant that   in Pennsylvania’s Tyrone Township serves the  GHG emissions by nearly 131,700 tonnes over
       will serve a compressor   Texas Eastern Transmission pipeline system.  their 25-year lifespan.
       station in October.  The Lambertville solar project entered service   “This second project in the programme
                         in October, and Enbridge said at the time that it  tangibly demonstrates the natural gas-renewa-
                         was looking for other compressor stations where  bles partnership and will help pave the way for
                         similar solar facilities could be installed. The  our natural gas pipeline operations to be even
                         Calgary-based company subsequently unveiled  more environmentally focused, further solidi-
                         a goal of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-  fying Enbridge’s role as an industry leader in a
                         sions by 2050, suggesting that its push into  sustainable lower-carbon reality,” commented
                         renewables and decarbonisation was taking on  Enbridge’s director of market innovation, Cait-
                         more urgency.                        lin Tessin.
                           The Heidlersburg solar project will produce   The intermittent nature of renewable power
                         2.5 MW of solar energy to help power the com-  generation means it is generally used to supply
                         pressor station. The project will cost around  only part of the power needs of facilities such as
                         $6.5mn to develop, and electricity production  compressor stations. Gas flowing through the
                         from the solar plant is expected to begin in the  stations is used for the remainder of the power
                         second quarter of 2021.              requirement.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   26•November•2020
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