Page 2 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter ~ Nov Dec 2020 Issue
P. 2

financial security
                            YOUR MONEY

                                                             THE CASE FOR A

                                 RETIREMENT ROOMMATE

                                by Carla Fried                                                                                       OK, on that last one, just
                                                                                                                                     make sure you’re  on the
                                       etting older often                                                                            same page about how
                                       means living alone.       “Sharing the rent, or the                                           often and how long your
                                GAccording to the Joint                                                                              place will be invaded.
                                Center for Housing Studies      carrying costs, for a home                                           Yes, you love them. And
                                at Harvard University, more                                                                          your roomie  may  too,
                                than  40%  of  people  at  least      that one of you owns                                           but boundaries are how
        LAKEWOOD &              age 65 live alone, and 57% of                                                                      •  As for payment,  the same
                                                                                                                                     everyone stays content.
                                people in their 80s live alone.
         LAKEWOOD VILLAGE         At the same time, atop        becomes a whole lot easier                                           good financial etiquette
         REAL ESTATE EDGE       nearly every list of retirement                                                                      that  works  for  the
                                worries is this one: running               on two checks.”                                           20-somethings is what you
               Publisher        out of money.                                                                                        should do as well: Set up an
            Allison Van Wig       For open-minded seniors                                                                            automated direct deposit if
            CA DRE #00985700    living on their own, adding                                                                          you are paying the rent.
                                a roommate, or becoming  can free up money to add  for those single people who is all about   If you both are paying
                                the roommate, can be a  in supportive services. A  have a roommate the strain  matching  mature  folk.  You   rent,  consider  setting  up
                                savvy move. Sure, just like   housekeeper a few times a  hopefully has been less acute. can search as both a roommate   a joint bank account and
                                in your 20s, you don’t want   month can be especially valued   OK, on to logistics. First  looking for a place to live,   agree you will both set up
                                the roommate from hell. But   later in life. Or someone to do  off, think about friends. Be  or a homeowner looking to   automated deposits on a
                                come  on,  by  now  you  know                                                                        set date each  month  to
            4435 E Village Rd                            the heavy weeding in your  a  trailblazer  and  raise  the  find someone to share your
          Long Beach, CA 90808  what you like and don’t like.   garden.           topic with friends who might  place. And give some non-  cover rent and any other
                                Your vetting skills are  sharp.   Or perhaps sharing housing  be interested, and within  age-specific sites a spin. The   shared expenses. And from
           562-882-1581         And perhaps you already have   costs is what makes it possible  your social networks where  SpareRoom website recently   that account you should
  a network of friends who   to live bigger. More travel  someone you know might be  shared that its volume of users   automate  payment  to  the
   might be up for considering   (remember travel?). More of  a matchmaker. If you are in  over age 50 looking for a   landlord.  Sound  formal?
                                the move, or for helping you   whatever floats your boat:  a situation where taking on a  housing match is growing at   Exactly.  That’s  how  you
                                find a good match.                                                                                   reduce tension over money.
                                  The math is compelling.   sporting events, theater,  roommate would solve a lot  twice the pace of other ages.  •  Moving out: How much
                                The average monthly Social   concerts. In your 20s, a  of problems, do you seriously   Insist on a trial run of a   advance notice will you be
                                Security check in 2020 is   roommate may have been a  think there aren’t other people  month  before  you  commit.   required to give?
                                around $1,500. Sharing the   necessity. In your 60s, 70s and  you know with the same  Even if you know someone
                                rent, or the carrying costs, for   beyond, it has the potential to  concerns? Be the bold one who  as a friend, that doesn’t mean   A web search will turn up
                                a home that one of you owns   give you the flexibility to live  starts the conversation.  you know much about how   resources for a roommate
              6425 Busch Blvd.,                          the life you want.        Don’t be shy about  they live. And before anyone
             Columbus, OH 43229  becomes a whole lot easier on                                                                     agreement. It’s a smart step
               877.872.3080     two checks.                And if you find a mutually  mentioning  your  roommate  moves anywhere, run through   to take, as it will prompt
     Or maybe you’re a suburban   agreeable pairing, you’ve also  investigation  to  any  local  a  very  detailed  list  of  the   you to consider all sorts of
                                empty nester itching to live in   taken a big step in warding  groups you belong to, such as  nitty-gritty:  angles that need to be ironed
            Sudoku, Scrabble, Crossword
            and articles distributed by    the city, yet don’t think you  off one of the biggest risks for  your house of worship.  out before they become
            Tribune News Services and   have the retirement income  the elderly: social isolation.   If friends or connections  •  Will you split grocery bills?  problems.   n
             Brandpoint where noted.   to make the move. Might  Hopefully we never again  don’t come through,  see if   Share meals?
             © Copyright 2020 by
            Discover Publications, Inc.  sharing city rent make it  encounter  the  isolation  that  where you live (or want to  •  How will the common   ©2020 News
              All rights reserved.  doable?              has been necessary during the  live) is represented in online   areas be cleaned?  Distributed by Tribune Content
                                  Sharing housing costs  coronavirus pandemic, but  sites that match roommates.  •  Smoking? Pets? Grandkids?   Agency, LLC.
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