Page 4 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter ~ Nov Dec 2020 Issue
P. 4

Q & A with the real estate expert
                            ASK ALLISON VAN WIG

                                 NEW BUILDS UP, AFFORDABILITY DOWN

                                Q       our life in an old A   Dear    Beatrice, forces them to price many  used. The drawbacks may  the fall when political,
                                        Dear Allison,  We
                                                                Fairness is a relative  prospective buyers out of  outweigh the benefits,  economic, and health-
                                                                                                          however, depending on  related
                                                                 when shrinking  the market.
                                        townhouse    for inventory creates market   “Lumber prices are now  where you live.        abound.”   n  uncertainties
                                 one in a new, single-family   imbalance. As home-price  up more than 170% since   Conventional wisdom
                                 home. We’re looking for   increases accelerate and  mid-April, adding more  leans toward the notion
                                 more square footage and   supply dwindles, sellers can  than $16,000 to the price  that historically low interest
                                 less maintenance. So far we   pretty much get what they  of a typical new single- rates help to offset high
                                                         want (if not more) and get  family  home,” according  prices. That logic may be
                                 haven’t seen any properties   it fast. The first week of  to Robert Dietz, chief  what’s motivating many
                                 that  support  our  vision  of   September showed median  economist for the National  buyers, but it doesn’t
                                 where and how we wish to   list prices 10.8 percent  Association  of  Home account for the fact that
                                 live at a price we’re willing  higher,  and  homes  selling   Builders. Nevertheless, by  low inventory leads to high
                                 to pay. Choices are few  12 days faster, than during  late summer, year-over-year  prices that can get even
                                 and the prices extortionary.  the same time last year.  sales numbers for homes  higher when a bunch of
                                 Newly built starter homes   If it’s a new build you  not yet built were up 34  people compete for the
                                 are available for slightly   want, the issue may be  percent, while 24 percent  same property. All things
                                 under our price point, but   less about greed and more  fewer move-in-ready homes  considered, a bidding war
                                 that’s not  what  we  want.   about builders trying to  were sold.       could end with a pyrrhic
                                 We do not owe our financial   do better than break even.   You might like the idea  victory and a welcome loss.
                                                         Homebuilders have been  of having a hand in creating
                                                                                                             Danielle Hale, chief
                                 stability to wastefulness and   busy trying to accommodate  your home and controlling  economist for,     Allison Van Wig
                                                                                                                                    (CA DRE #00985700) is the
                                 self-indulgence. The word   high-density city dwellers  the cost of doing so. In  suggests that buyer demand  Owner of Van Wig & Associates
                                 is that the market is healthy;   in search of lower-density  addition to the location  may be cooling and “could   you can call or email her at:

                                 the question is, for whom?  living. The skyrocketing  and layout, you can choose  signal a shift in market   562-882-1581 or
                                                            - Beatrice K. cost of lumber, however,  some of the materials  dynamics leading into

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