Page 7 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter ~ Nov Dec 2020 Issue
P. 7

home style


        by Julianne Hilmes Bartlett

            n search of fresh decor ideas?
            Bring on bold colors, beautiful
        I patterns  and luxe textures  with
        the  latest  trends  in  furniture,  fabric
        and more. Whether you’re thinking
        about  a minor refresh  or  a total
        renovation, you’ll find inspiration for
        your interior design update.

                   1. VELVET
           Velvet adds a cozy, high-end
        look to  upholstered furniture  and
        home accents, and it’s not going away
        anytime soon. If you’re worried that
        velvet is too formal or impractical
        to clean, don’t fret! Today’s velvet
        offerings have a high-quality look
        with modern performance qualities.
           Elevate your space with a statement
        sofa upholstered in jewel-tone velvet,
        or try trendy throw pillows to quickly
        add an elegant touch.

             2. CANED FURNITURE                                                                                                                        DESIGN & DECOR
           Caning is having a moment
        (again). This decorative technique
        has been around for centuries,
        with various surges in popularity
        throughout history. As with many
        trends, the timeless weave has circled
        back around with an updated look for
        the 21st century.                 4. COLORFUL BOTANICALS      upholstery, daybeds now come in a   7. STYLISH SCONCES
           Use caned furniture and accents to   As  interest  in  indoor  gardening  variety of higher-end looks. And if   Lighting serves a clear purpose
        add textural interest within a neutral  and decorative houseplants continues  storage is a concern, many options  in  your  home,  but  it  can  be  both
        color palette. Pair the weave with  to grow, homeowners are leaning even  on the market include cubbies and  functional and artful. In addition to
        other natural materials, such as wool,  further into nature with colors and  drawers, making them smart (and  providing practical task lighting, a
        raw wood and linen to create a fresh,  prints inspired by the outdoors.  stylish) additions to small spaces.  stylish  sconce  can  act  as  a  piece  of
        organic look. For a modern twist,   Botanical prints on artwork,                            “jewelry” for the home. Now available
        look for pieces that feature sleek lines  wallcoverings, fabric and decor can  6. TEXTURED WALLCOVERINGS  in a wider variety of sculptural shapes
        or bold accent colors.         help liven up your space, whatever   Textured wallpaper is a subtle  and eye-catching finishes, wall sconces
                                       your design aesthetic may be. Start  way to add depth and interest to a  are prettier than ever. Plus, you no
          3. STATEMENT HEADBOARDS      small with throw pillows or a vase  room.  The  material  wraps  a  room  longer need an electrician  for hard-
           When it comes to bedroom decor  with a nature-inspired pattern, or go  in an extra layer of coziness--perfect  wiring help: many plug-in sconces
        trends, statement headboards take  big with a whimsical floral rug or  for bedrooms, living areas and small  offer easy DIY installation.
        center stage. A thoughtfully designed  walls wrapped in leafy wallpaper.  spaces like powder rooms.  Especially  in  small  spaces  and
        headboard -- featuring unique                                   Available in peel-and-stick varieties  transition areas like hallways,  wall
        materials, unusual textures or an       5. DAYBEDS            and traditional paste-and-paper  sconces are a popular lighting choice
        interesting  shape -- can  serve as  a   If daybeds bring to mind visions of  coverings, these wallpapers come in a  because they don’t take up floor
        stylish focal point for your Choose a  trundle beds or childhood sleepovers,  variety of textural designs, including  or surface space. With the range of
        style that ties in with other elements  think again. No longer just for kids’  linen, grasscloth, embossed patterns  elegant shapes and diverse use of
        in the room, such as the pattern on  rooms, the daybed is all grown up.  and even faux wood. Depending on  materials and finishes available, you
        the curtains or the finish on your  Sophisticated versions of this versatile  the style, a wallcovering with texture  can easily find a sophisticated sconce
        nightstand. If you’re ready to take a  furnishing are now showing up in  can  enhance your space  with  a  that fits your unique style.   n
        risk, adding a statement headboard is  living rooms, bedrooms and even  glamorous aesthetic or a subtle, earthy
        an easy way to try out a bold design  outdoor living areas.   look. For an unexpected feature,     ©2020 Meredith Corporation.
        before committing to a whole-room   With elements like caning,  consider applying textured wallpaper   Distributed by Tribune Content
        makeover.                      spindles, tufted designs and luxurious  on the ceiling to draw eyes upward.      Agency, LLC.

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