Page 6 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter ~ Nov Dec 2020 Issue
P. 6

tips and tricks
                           IN THE HOME

                                HOW TO ORGANIZE

                                6 TROUBLE SPOTS

                               by Kathy Barnes,  are similarly useful.
                                                           Inside cabinets, a Lazy
                               I  s your messy house  Susan turntable is an excellent
                                                   out? way to corral spices or store
                                  Conquer the chaos with  canned goods. Add sliding
                               these organization tips for  shelves to lower cabinets to
                               common sources of clutter in  organize pots, pans and other
                               every room.              frequently used tools.
                                    LAUNDRY ROOM         ENTERTAINMENT CENTER
                                  Space is often limited in   Whether your TV is wall-
                               this area, so it’s important to  mounted, on a stand or stored
                               keep supplies well-organized.  in an armoire, it’s probably
                               Make the most of your square  accompanied by a host of  from cleaning supplies to   KIDS’ TOYS         BEDROOM CLOSET
                               footage by using wall space for  accessories that can quickly  wrapping paper. The first step   Toys are a frequent   Getting ready for the day is
                               storage. For instance, install  take over the room. To make  to  getting  organized  is  to  get  adversary in the never-ending  less stressful when your wardrobe
                               a long bank of shelves above  the most of your entertainment  rid  of  anything  that isn’t  bed  battle against clutter, but you  is contained in a clutter-free
                               the washer and dryer to keep  center, start by paring down to  or bath. Next, group seasonal  don’t have to let them win.  space. Start by moving off-
                               detergent  and  other  laundry  just the essentials—getting rid  items so they can be stored  Choose  storage  solutions  that  season clothes out of your closet
                               needs handy. Use labeled  of stray remotes and outdated  together and swapped out as  allow your child to participate  and into separate storage (such as
                               baskets or cubbies to keep  media,  like  unnecessary  CDs  temperatures change. Consider  in cleanup. For example, rolling  under-bed  bins).  Next,  arrange
                               things tidy (and easy to find).  and VHS tapes.   outfitting your closet with  bins make it easy for your little  items so the most frequently
                               If you have a stackable washer   Next, take control of cables  wire  shelving  that  allows  one to put away toys and also  worn clothes are easiest to
                               and dryer, implement a similar  by coiling any extra length and  better airflow between linens.  take them from room to room.  reach. Use vertical space above
                               storage system using a rolling  securing with twist ties or other  Adjustable shelving is more  You can also outfit an open  the closet rod to store rarely
                               cart next to the appliances.  fasteners. Use attractive boxes  flexible, and sliders make it easy  bookcase with labeled baskets  worn clothing and accessories in
                                                        with lids to store DVDs, CDs  to quickly find what you need.  or boxes to encourage your  labeled cubbies or boxes.
                                   KITCHEN CABINETS     and video games alphabetically  Designate and label separate  child to group like items. For   Choose hanging storage
                                  You don’t need an  or by genre, and label each  shelves for similar items, such  very small children,  consider  solutions for keeping purses,
                               expensive kitchen remodel  container for easy access.  as towels, sheets and toiletries.  adding a photo to each label  belts and scarves tidy. Invest in
                               to make the most of your    When not in use, keep track  Roll or neatly fold linens  so they know what goes where. shoe organizers for your closet
                               cabinets. Start by adding  of remotes by storing them in a  and store off-season items in   If you prefer wall-mounted  door or floor to keep pairs
                               magnetic  paint  or  corkboard  basket. Add a bit of personality  vacuum-sealed bags to make  shelves or baskets, make sure  together. Other ideas: install
                               tile inside a cabinet door to  to the entertainment center by  the most of limited space.  they’re low enough for your  lights in your closet so you can
                               keep track of shopping lists,  interspersing  framed  photos,   Stacked bins keep small  child to reach easily (and  see every corner and keep your
                               calendars and so forth, and  books  and  collectibles  among  toiletries orderly and make  be sure shelves are securely  hamper in or near the closet so
                               attach hooks inside the doors  the electronics and storage bins. the most  of vertical space.  mounted so they can’t be  dirty clothes stay off the floor.   n
                               to organize measuring spoons,                     Group and label like items and  pulled down). An over-the-
                               pot holders and other kitchen   LINEN CLOSET      consider using clear containers  door shoe holder with see-  ©2020 Meredith Corporation.
                               implements. Door-mounted    The linen closet often turns  so you can easily see when it’s  through pockets is perfect for   Distributed by Tribune
                               spice racks and lid organizers  into a catchall for everything  time to restock.  stashing small toys.    Content Agency, LLC.


           REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE                                           MEDIAN LIST PRICE

           Never miss important changes in the Long Beach market.

                                                                                In the last few weeks we’ve seen prices in this zip code bouncing around this plateau.
                                                                          Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.



                                                    MARKET SEGMENTS

                  Each segment below represents approximately 25% of the market ordered by price.

                MEDIAN PRICE          SQ. FT.            LOT SIZE             BEDS        BATH        AGE           NEW         ABSORBED         DOM

                 $1,198,888            2,901        4,500 - 6,500 SQFT          4           4          24             4              2             17
                  $986,900             2,390        4,500 - 6,500 SQFT          4           3          66             3              2             38

                  $827,000             1,603        4,500 - 6,500 SQFT          3           2          67             4              3             18
                  $731,999             1,289        4,500 - 6,500 SQFT          3           2          69             6              2             3

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11