Page 5 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter ~ Nov Dec 2020 Issue
P. 5

battery backup

                                         SOUND ADVICE:                                                           Distributed by Tribune  TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT



        by Don Lindich             “It uses solar panels to                       powered by natural gas  and Powerwall batteries to
                                                                                  or propane could power a  provide  yourself  with  a  few
        Q                 about    charge large batteries                         home for at least a few weeks  days’ worth of backup power,
               I just read your
                                                                                  without it being much of a  I can’t think of a better way to
               automatic backup
               generators in my    that store energy that                         challenge to the system (short  go. It is definitely much more
                                                                                  of wear on the generator’s  expensive up front, though.
        local newspaper. Thank                                                    engine and its maintenance  A system that would provide
        you for that very useful and   can be used in your                        requirements), but you would  1.5 days of backup power for
        intelligent  summary  of the                                              need a lot of panels and  my home in Pennsylvania was
        issue. It would be extremely   home every day, as well                    batteries to get that from a  $32,400 before incentives and
        useful to have a detailed                                                 solar-based system. Based on  $23,433 after the incentives
        comparison   of  backup    as for home emergency                          the brief comparison I did for  were applied. An automatic
        generators to solar panels and                                            myself as part of my research  backup generator would run
        battery installations in homes.   backup power. “                         for this column, a Powerwall  around $4,000, but it only
        It is hard to find independent                                            will also cost much more  has a benefit when the power
        analyses such as you could                                                than an automatic backup  is out.
        provide.                 field  with  many  variables  the comparison on your own. generator, but you will benefit   You can learn more about
              J.W., San Jose, California based  on  geographical  The best known home  from it every day as it helps  the  Powerwall  system  and
                                 location, the home itself, and  solar panel and battery  reduce your electric bill.  get an estimate on what a
        A     I received quite a few  local laws including potential  combination is the Tesla   If your main goal is to have  suitable system will cost at

               emails  resembling  tax savings  and  rebates.  A  Powerwall. It uses solar panels  emergency power indefinitely Once
                yours, originating  detailed comparison would  to charge large batteries that  in an emergency, the backup  the potential savings in utility
        mostly in California. I am  take much more than a 600- store energy that can be used  generator makes more sense  bills are taken into account it
        very familiar with automatic  word newspaper column,  in your home every day, as  to me. If you want to save on  may work out to be a great
        backup   generators  and and given I have not owned  well as for home emergency  your electric bill year-round,  option  for  you,  especially  if
        portable  generators  for or reviewed solar equipment  backup power. Your home’s  help the planet by using clean  you are incorporating the
        home use, having studied  I can’t discuss it from  size and power requirements  solar energy and have backup  solar panels and batteries into
        and used them for over a  experience. The best I can  and the number of panels and  power for a limited time the  a new construction plan.   n
        decade. Compared to this  do is provide an overview of  batteries you have determines  Powerwall  could  be  a great
        established and largely mature  the  leading  system  and  the  how long you can go without  option. In fact, if money is   ©2020 Don Lindich.
        technology,  solar  is  a wide- costs, then direct you to a  grid power.  no object and you want to
        ranging and rapidly changing  resource where you can finish   A home backup generator  install enough solar panels   Content Agency, LLC.
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