P. 6
Chapter 1
A. Description Title
What do you know about Procedure Text? Procedure text is text that contains ways
and objectives for making or doing something. This text consists of stages and has an
imperative sentence structure in the form of an order. Have you ever created Text
Procedures? For those of you who already know this material, maybe you have tried to make
text procedures. But for those of you who have never made a text procedure because you
don't know the text procedure material well, then we will study together in this module.
How important is it to learn text procedure material? Learning how to make text
procedures is very important, it aims to introduce students to the right way of doing things
and add insight into unknown text procedures. What if you do something but don't know the
correct procedure? The function of having a procedure text is to provide instructions for
doing something right, so if you do something you don't know the correct procedure, it will
cause danger or failure. Is Procedure Text only about how to cook? Text procedures are not
only about material on how to cook, but can also be material on doing something such as
procedures for using applications, machines, or new things.
B. Prerequisites
In the previous material about written text on drug/food/beverage labels was
presented, so that students understood how to compose the text correctly. To be able to
understand this module, you are expected to have read and clearly understood the written text
material for drug/food/beverage labels. In addition, try to recall the lesson from the material
because it will continue on the material that we will discuss. If you have fulfilled these
prerequisites, then you will be able to describe text procedures and language features well.
Procedure Text IX Page 1