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words or sounds to express ideas or feeling that can be
observed directly and empirically as a two way process between
speaker and listener for interaction, transaction, and talk
performance. The aspects and the indicators of speaking skill
are as follows: (1) Grammar, to make few (if any)
noticeable errors of grammar or word order; (2) Vocabulary,
to use the vocabulary related to the topic appropriately; (3)
Pronunciation, to have standard English accent; (4) Fluency, to
have fluent speech without hesitation; and (5) Comprehension,
to understand everything without difficulty.
8. Teaching Speaking
The objective of teaching spoken language is the development
of the ability to interact successfully in the target language, and
that involves comprehension as well as production (Hughes,
2003: 113). Based on the statement above, it can be said that
teaching speaking is focused on providing students with oral-
productive skill. In this case, the researcher discusses two main
parts: principles for designing speaking technique and the
indicators of speaking competence.
a. Principles for Designing Speaking Techniques
According to Brown (2001: 275) there are some principles in
designing teaching speaking techniques:
1) Techniques should cover the spectrum of learner needs,
from language based focus on accuracy to message-based
focus on interaction, meaning, and fluency. It is suggested that
when the teacher does a jigsaw group technique, play
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