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P. 17
5) Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to
accomplish pragmatic purposes.
6) Produce fluent speech at different rate of
7) Monitor one’s own oral production and use various
strategies devices – pauses, fillers, self – correction,
backtracking – to enhance the clarity of the message.
8) Use the grammatical words classes (noun, verbs, etc),
systems (e.g., tense, agreement, pluralization),
word order, patterns, rules and elliptical forms.
9) Produce speech in natural constituents: in appropriate
phrase, pause- groups and sentence constituents.
10) Express a particular meaning in different
grammatical forms.
11) Use cohesive device in spoken discourse.
b. Macro – Skills of Speaking
1) Appropriately accomplish communicative function
according to the situations, participants, and goals.
2) Use appropriates styles, register, implicative,
redundancies, pragmatic conventions, conversation rules,
floor – keeping, and yielding, interrupting, and other
sociolinguistics features in face – to – face conversation.
3) Convey links and connections between event and
communicative such relations as focal and
peripheral ideas, events and feeling, new
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