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allow others to do so. Information processing: quite apart from our
            response  to   others'  feelings,  we  also  need   to  be  able  to

            process the information rnay tell us the moment we get it.

            5.    Characteristics of Speaking as Speech Production

                To understand what is involved in developing oral skills, it
            is  useful  to  consider  the  nature  and  conditions  of  speech.

            According to Bygate in Carter & Nunan (2001: 16) most current

            approaches draw  on  a psycholinguistic skills- (or  'information')
            processing   model.   Levelt   in   Carter   &   Nunan   (2001:   16)

            proposed that speech production involves four major  processes:

            conceptualization, formulation, articulation, and self-monitoring.
                a.  Conceptualization    is    concerned    with    planning

                     the message    content.    It   draws   on   background
                     knowledge, knowledge about the topic, about the speech

                     situation and on knowledge of patterns of discourse. The
                     conceptualizer  includes a   'monitor',   which   checks

                     everything   that   occurs   in   the interaction to ensure

                     that  the  communication  goes  to  plan.  This  enables
                     speakers  to  self-correct  for  expression,  grammar  and

                b.    After  conceptualization,  the  formulator  finds  the

                      words and phrases to express the meanings, sequencing
                      them and putting in appropriate  grammatical  markers

                      (such    as    inflections,  auxiliaries,  articles).  It  also

                      prepares the sound patterns of the words to be used: LI
                      errors  of    pronunciation  very  commonly  involve
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