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switching sounds between words that are separated
from each other; such switches suggest that the
pronunciation of words must be prepared in batches
prior to pronunciation.
c. The third process is articulation. This involves the
motor control of the articulatory organs; in
English: the lips, tongue, teeth, alveolar palate,
velum, glottis, mouth cavity, and breath.
d. Self-monitoring is concerned with language users
being able to identify and self-correct mistakes.
6. Micro and Macro Skills of Speaking
The micro skills refer to producing the smaller chunk of
the language such as phonemes, morphemes, words, collocation,
and phrasal units. The macro skills implied the speaker’s focus
on the larger elements: fluency, discourse, function, style,
cohesion, nonverbal communication, and strategic options.
a. Micro – Skills of Speaking
1)Produce differences among English phonemes and
allophonic variants.
2) Produce chunk of language in different
3) Produce English stress patterns, word in stressed
and unstressed position, rhythmic structure, and
intonation contours.
4) Produce reduce forms or words or
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