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d. Affective Factors

               The affective side of the learner is probably one of the most

            important influences on language learning success or failure. The
            affective  factors  related  to  foreign  language  learning  emotions,

            self-esteem,  empathy,  anxiety,  attitude  and  motivation.  Foreign
            language learning is a complex task that is susceptible to human

            anxiety   which   is   associated   with   feeling   of   uneasiness,

            frustration,  self-doubt  and  apprehension.  Speaking  a  foreign
            language in public, especially in front of native speakers, is often


            12.  Assessing Speaking

                When “Oral  production assessment” is mentioned,  the first

            thing  that  comes  to  mind  is  an  oral  interview  where  a  test
            administrator  and  a  test-taker sit  down  in  a  direct  face-to-face

            exchange  and  proceed  through  a  protocol  of  questions  and
            directives.  The  interview,  which  may  be  tape-recorded  for  re-

            listening,  is  then  scored  on  one  or  more  parameters  such  as

            accuracy  in  pronunciation  and/or  grammar,  vocabulary  usage,
            fluency,   sociolinguistics/pragmatic   appropriateness,   task

            accomplishment, and even comprehension (Brown, 2001: 167).
                As  most  people  say  that  testing  speaking  is  the  most

            difficult  and complex  to assess  above  all  skills  with  precision,
            many   teachers   often   feel   uncomfortable   when   handling   a

            speaking  test  since  it  is  often  difficult  to  be  objective  and

            consistent when testing a large number of students, especially in

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