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P. 32
3) Appearing not to understand: The interviewer may say, for
example, I’m sorry, but I don’t quite follow you.
4) Invitation to ask questions: “Is there anything you’d like to
ask me?
5) Interruption: To see how the candidate deals with this.
6) Abrupt change of topic: To see how the candidate deals with
b. Format 2: Interaction with fellow candidates
An advantage of having candidates interacting with each
other is that it should elicit language that is appropriate to
exchanges between equals, which may elicit better
performance. Inasmuch as the candidates may feel more
confident than when dealing with a dominant, seemingly
omniscient interviewer, there is problem, however. The
performance of one candidate is likely to be affected by that of
the others. To avoid this condition, there are some techniques
that can be used, they are:
1) Discussion: an obvious technique is to set a task which demands
discussion between the two candidates, as in the test of oral
interaction above. Tasks may require the candidates to go beyond
discussion and, for example, take a decision.
2) Role-play: role-play can be carried out by two candidates
with the tester as an observer. For some roles this may be
more natural than if the tester were involved.
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