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his book “Writing English Language Test” examines rating
scale of six-point range.
In addition, Ingram and Wylie in their article “Assessing
speaking proficiency in the International English Language
Testing System” examine rating scale of nine-point range.
Meanwhile, Harris in his book “Testing English as a
second Language” examines rating scales of five-point range and
Brown in his book “Language Assessment: Principles and
Classroom Practice” also examines rating scales of five-point
range. The writer preferred the one proposed by Brown (2001:
172-173) as it is the most applicable to our speaking class rating
system in Indonesia. Brown presented the sample of an oral
English rating scale that uses 1-5 point as follows:
Table 1.1. Oral Proficiency Scoring Categories
Score Indicators
1 Errors in grammar are frequent, but speaker can be understood by native speaker
used to dealing with foreigners attempting to speak his language.
2 Can usually handle elementary constructions quite accurately but doesn’t have
thorough or confident control of the grammar.
3 Control of the grammar is good. Able to speak dealing with sufficient structural
accurate to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversation on
practical, social, and professional topics.
4 Able to use the language accurately on all levels normally pertinent to professional
needs. Errors in grammar are quite rare.
5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.
Score Indicators
1 Speaking vocabulary in adequate to express anything but the most elementary needs.
2 Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express himself simply with some
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