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limits of the interviewer’s expectation through increasingly
difficult questions. Probe questions may be complex in their
framing and/or complex in their cognitive and linguistic
demand. Through probe items, the interviewer discovers the
ceiling or limitation of the test-taker’s proficiency. This need
not be a separate stage entirely, but might be a set of
questions that are interspersed into the previous stage. At
the lower levels of proficiency, probe items may simply
demand a higher range of vocabulary or grammar from the
test-taker than predicted. At the higher levels, probe items
will typically ask the test-taker to give an opinion or a value
judgment, to discuss his or her field of specialization, to
recount a narrative, or to respond to questions that are
worded complex form, Responses to probe questions may be
scored, or they may ignored if the test-taker displays an
inability to handle such complexity.
4) Wind-down.
This final phase of the interview is simply a short period of
test during which the interviewer encourages the test-taker to
relax with some questions, sets the test-taker’s mind at ease,
and provides information about when and where to obtain
the results of the interview. This part is not scored.
Meanwhile, determining the rating scale used is the next
step in assessing speaking skill. Writer found various books that
presented the sample of an oral English rating scale. Heaton in
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