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P. 37
3 Able to speak the language with sufficient vocabulary to participate effectively in
most formal and informal conversations on practical, social, and professionals topics.
Vocabulary is broad enough that he rarely has to grope for a word.
4 Can understand and participate in any conversation within the range of his
experience with a high degree precision of vocabulary.
5 Speech on all level is fully accepted by educated native speakers in all its features
including breadth of vocabulary and idioms, colloquialism, and pertinent cultural
Score Indicators
1 Within the scope of his very limited language experience, can understand simple
questions and statements if delivered with slow speech, repetition, or paraphrase.
2 Can get the gist of most conversation of non technical subject (i.e. topics that
requires no specialized knowledge)
3 Comprehension is quite complete at a normal rate of speech.
4 Can understand any conversation within the range of his experience.
5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speakers.
Score Indicators
1 No specific fluency description. Refer to other four language areas for implied level
2 Can handle with confidence but not with facility most situations, including
3 Can discuss particular interests of competence with reasonable ease. Rarely has to
4 Able to use the language fluently on all levels normally pertinent to professional
5 Has complete fluency in the language such that his speech is fully accepted by
Score Indicators
1 Errors in pronunciation are frequent that can be understood by a native speakers used
2 Accent intelligible though often quite faulty.
3 Errors never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb the native speakers.
4 Errors in pronunciation are quite rare.
5 Equivalent to and fully accepted by educated native speakers.
The oral ability test is divided into five elements: grammar,
vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation. Each
element characteristics are then defined into five short behavioral
statements as stated in the table above.
This will help to make the test reliable, since it avoids
subjectivity because it provides clear, precise, and
mutually exclusive behavioral statements for each point of the
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