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the University level students.  It doesn’t mean that speaking test
            can’t  be  measured  in  correct  way.  Writer  has  found  several

            resources  that  explain  about  the  way  to  assess  speaking  test
            and  its  technique.  Hughes  (2003:  119-123) listed three general

            formats   for   testing   speaking   ability,   they   are   interview,

            interaction  with  fellow  candidates  (peers),  and  responses  to
            audio or video recording.

            a.   Format 1: Interview

               Perhaps the most common format for testing of oral interaction
            is the interview.   In   its   traditional   form,   however, it   has   at

            least      one      potentially  serious  drawback.  The  relationship
            between the tester and the candidate is usually such the candidate

            speaks as to a superior and is unwilling to take the initiative. It is
            possible,  however,  to  get  round  this  problem  by  introducing  a

            variety  of  elicitation  techniques  into  the  interview  situation.
            Useful techniques are:

            1) Questions  and   request  for   information.   Yes/No   questions

            should        be  generally  avoided,  except  perhaps  at  the  very
            beginning of the interview, while the candidate is still warming

            up.  It  can  be  elicited  through  requests  of  the  kind:  “Can  you

            explain  to  me  how/why……?”  and  “Can  you  tell  me  what
            you think of……?”

            2)  Requests  for  elaboration:  such  as  “what  exactly  do   you
            mean?,  can  you explain that in a little more detail?, what would

            be a good example of that? Tell me more.

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