Page 228 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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Calvinist is more consistent with the Five Points of [See Atonement, Cross, Crucify, Gospel, Jesus Christ,
Calvinism and with the Calvinist position on divine Prophecy, Sin.]
sovereignty by teaching that God does not truly love the ELIAB (God is father). Nu. 1:9.
non-elect and that He has no interest in their salvation. ELIADA (God is knowing). 2 Sa. 5:16.
The “Calvin Calvinist” is no more faithful to the
Scripture than the Hyper-Calvinist. Both twist the ELIAH (God is Jehovah). 1 Ch. 8:27.
Scripture to fit their theology and read their theology ELIAHBA (God hides). 2 Sa. 23:32.
into the plain words of Scripture. [See Atonement, ELIAKIM (God is setting up). 2 Ki. 18:18.
Foreknow, Predestination, Presbyterian] ELIAM (God is founder of the people). 2 Sa. 11:3.
ELEMENTS. (1) The first, or basic, principles of truth ELIAS. The Greek form of Elijah (Mt. 11:14). [See
(He. 5:12). (2) The O.T. teachings and types which Elijah.]
pointed to Christ (Ga. 4:3, 9). (3) The basic substance ELIASAPH (God is gatherer). Nu. 1:14.
of the physical universe (2 Pe. 3:10, 12). [See ELIASHIB (God is requiter). 1 Ch. 24:12.
ELEPH (union, ox). Jos. 18:28. ELIATHAH (God is come). 1 Ch. 25:4.
ELHANAN (God is gracious). 1 Ch. 20:5. ELIDAD (God is a friend). Nu. 34:21.
ELI (Jehovah is high). The O.T. priest to whom ELIEL (God is God). 1 Ch. 6:34.
Samuel was given (1 Sa. 1-4; 1 Ki. 2:27). He refused to ELIENAI (unto God are mine eyes). 1 Ch. 8:20.
discipline his sons, allowing them to commit ELIEZER (God is help). Ge. 15:2.
abominations in the Tabernacle, and God pronounced ELIHOREPH (God of harvest rain). 1 Ki. 4:3.
judgment upon his house (1 Sa. 2:12-17, 27-36). ELIHU (God himself). 1 Sa. 1:1.
Though Eli did question his sons about their ELIJAH (my God is Lord). A great prophet of the O.T.
wickedness, he did not restrain them (1 Sa. 2:22-24; (1 Ki. 17:17—2 Ki. 2:15), who performed many
3:13). Why Eli did not correct his sons: (1) He esteemed miracles and was taken to heaven in a whirlwind and a
his sons above God; he apparently was more concerned chariot of fire (2 Ki. 2:1-15). He appeared with Jesus on
of what the boys thought than what God thought (1 Sa. the Mount of Transfiguration (Mt. 17:3-4; Mk. 9:4-5; Lk.
2:29). (2) He was settled into a fat, comfortable life and 9:30-33). The book of Malachi foretold that Elijah
was apparently enjoying the fruit of his sons’ rebellion would come to earth before the judgments of God
(1 Sa. 2:15, 16, 29; 4:18). “They made themselves fat, would fall (Mal. 3:5). John the Baptist came in the spirit
and served their lusts with that which God was to be and power of Elijah, but the prophecy of Malachi will
served with” (Henry). (3) He was spiritually careless; he still be fulfilled literally before Christ’s return (Lk.
let the lampstand go out in the Tabernacle (1 Sa. 3:3), 1:13-17; Re. 11:3-6). [See Miracle.]
in spite of God’s instructions that it was never to go out
(Ex. 27:21). The fulfillment of God’s judgment upon ELIKA (God is rejector). 2 Sa. 23:25.
Eli’s house: See 1 Sa. 4:1, 11; 1 Ki. 2:26, 27, 35. “Eli ELIM (palm trees). Ex. 15:27.
reproved his sons too gently, and did not threaten them ELIMELECH (God is king). Ru. 1:2.
as he should, and therefore God sent a prophet to him ELIOENAI (To Jehovah are mine eyes). 1 Ch. 3:23.
to reprove him sharply, and to threaten him, because, by ELIPHAL (God is judge). 1 Ch. 11:35.
his indulgence of them, he had strengthened their hands ELIPHALET (God is escape). 2 Sa. 5:16.
in their wickedness. If good men be wanting in their
duty, and by their carelessness and remissness ELIPHAZ (God is dispenser). Ge. 36:4.
contribute anything to the sin of sinners, they must ELIPHELEH (God is distinction). 1 Ch. 15:18.
expect both to hear of it and to smart for it. ... [This] ELISABETH (God is swearer). Lk. 1:5.
shows how jealous God is in the matters of his worship ELISHA (my God is salvation). The prophet who
and how ill he takes it when those who are bound by took Elijah’s place after he went to heaven in a fiery
their character and profession to preserve and advance chariot. Elisha also performed many miracles (1 Ki.
the interests of his glory are false to their trust, and 19:16 - 2 Ki. 9:1). [See Miracle.]
betray them” (Henry). ELISHAMA (God is hearer). Nu. 1:10.
ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI. A saying of Jesus ELISHAPHAT (God is judge). 2 Ch. 23:1.
while on the cross, meaning “My God, My God, why
hast thou forsaken me?” (Mt. 27:46; Mk. 15:34). God ELISHEBA (God is swearer). Ex. 6:23.
the Father turned away from the Son when He was ELISHUA (God is rich). 2 Sa. 5:15.
made sin for fallen humanity (2 Co. 5:21; Is. 53:5, 10). ELIZAPHAN (God is protector). Nu. 3:30.
The prophecy in Psalm 22 had foretold this (Ps. 22:1). ELIZUR (God is a rock). Nu. 1:5.
228 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity