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               5:11; 1 Pe. 2:19). (3) To bear with; to accept; to receive   and  naphtha  and  set  alight.  Each  legion  had  scorpio
               (2 Ti. 4:3). Endurance is an evidence of salvation (Mk.   engines that used torsion  springs to shoot large arrows
               4:17).                                            100 to 400 meters. A legion’s 60 scorpio units could fire
                  Enduring to the End. “...he that endureth to the end   a total of up to 240 arrows  per minute. The Romans  also
               shall be saved” (Mt. 10:22; 24:13; Mk. 13:13; compare   used battering rams. “This battering ram is  a vast beam
               also  Lk. 21:19 and Re. 14:9-12). Some teach that these   of wood  like the mast  of  a ship, its  forepart  is  armed
               passages refer  to maintaining  one’s  salvation  through   with  a thick piece of iron at the head of it, which is so
               works. Such a doctrine would contradict  the vast body   carved as to be like the head of a ram, whence its name
               of  teaching  that  says salvation  is  a  free gift  of  God’s   is  taken. This ram is slung  in  the air  by  ropes  passing
               grace.  Salvation  is   not  maintained  nor  perfected  by   over its middle, and is hung like the balance in a pair of
               one’s works and  patience in  tribulation. To understand   scales from another  beam, and braced by strong beams
               these passages  we must  see that  all are spoken  in  the   that pass  on  both  sides  of it, in  the nature of  a cross.
               context of the Great Tribulation. The Lord Jesus Christ is   When this ram is  pulled backward by a great number of
               speaking of this  great truth: Endurance is  the evidence   men with united force, and then thrust forward by  the
               of  true  faith  (Mk.  4:17;  He.  6:9-11;  10:36-39).   same men, with a mighty noise, it batters the walls  with
               Profession is  one thing; possession is quite another; and   that  iron  part  which  is   prominent”  (Josephus).  [See
               one’s  life  will  demonstrate  one’s  salvation.  [See   Battering Ram, Military.]
               Affliction,  Believe,  Eternal  Security,  Hope,  Overcome,   ENGRAFTED.  Implanted  (Ja.  1:21).  The  Word  of
               Patience, Perseverance, Suffering, Trials.]       God  has  been  implanted into the heart of the believer,
                  ENEGLAIM (fountain of two calves). Eze. 47:10.  and is to be obeyed. [See Born Again, Covenant.]
                  ENGANNIM (fountain of gardens). Jos. 15:34.      ENHADDAH  (swift fountain). Jos. 19:21.
                  ENGEDI (fountain of Gad). Jos. 15:62.            ENHAKKORE (fountain of the crier). Ju. 15:19.
                  ENGINE. (1) Machines  for  throwing large arrows or   ENHAZOR (fountain of the village). Jos. 19:37.
               stones  (2  Ch.  26:15).  (2)  Battering  ram  (Eze.  26:9).   ENJOIN. To admonish; to  decree (Es. 9:31; He. 9:20;
               “The engines  were the balista, used for throwing stones,   Phile. 8). Same as “injoin.”
               and the catapulta, for  arrows, which was  an enormous   ENLARGE. To set at large or at liberty; to set free; to
               stationary  bow. Both  of  these engines  were  of  various   increase; magnify  (Ge. 9:27; Ex. 34:24; Ps. 119:32; Mt.
               throwing  power, stones  being  thrown  of  from  fifty  to   23:5).
               three hundred  pounds weight. Darts  varied  from small   ENLIGHTEN. To illuminate; to cause to understand;
               beams to large arrows,  and  their  range exceeded  one   to give light; comprehension; understanding (Ep. 1:18;
               quarter  mile. All these engines  were constructed on the   3:9;  Jn.  1:9;  He.  6:4;  10:32).  [See  Holy  Spirit,
               principle of the string, the bow, or spring” (People’s Bible   Illumination.]
               Encyclopedia). The Assyrian siege engines were depicted
               in stone panels  lining the walls  of the palaces, and some   ENMISHPAT (fountain of judgment). Ge. 14:7.
               of  these  can  be  seen  today  in  the  British  Museum’s   ENMITY. The quality of being an enemy; ill will (Ge.
               Lachish Room. Following is  a description of the engines   3:15; Nu. 35:21; Lk. 23:12; Ja. 4:4).
               used  in  the  siege  of  Lachish.  “Siege-engines,  the  first   ENOCH  (teacher).  One  of  Adam’s  grandsons  (Ge.
               tanks in history, push forward up  the ramps  against the   5:21-22; Lk. 3:37). Enoch walked with God and rejected
               walls. They  are equipped in  front with a battering ram   the evil ways  of Cain  and of Cain’s  sons  (Ge. 4:16-24;
               which sticks out  like the barrel of a cannon. The crew   5:21-24). Enoch did not die, but went directly to heaven
               consists  of three men. The archer shoots his arrows  from   (Ge. 5:24; He. 11:5-6). He was saved by  his  faith (He.
               behind  a sheltering canopy. A warrior  guides the ram,   11:5-6). [See Flood  for  typical,  prophetic  meaning  of
               and  under  its  violent  blows  stones  and  bricks  crash   Enoch’s  translation  to  heaven.]  [See  Adam,  Cain,
               down  from the walls. The third  man douses  the tanks   Rapture.]
               with  ladlefuls  of  water, extinguishing the smouldering   ENOS (mortal). Ge. 4:26.
               fire-bombs” (Keller, The Bible as  History, pp. 278, 279).   ENRIMMON (fountain of Rimmon). Ne. 11:29.
               During the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the Romans  cut   ENROGEL (the fullers’ fountain). Jos. 15:7.
               down every tree within 12 miles  of the city to construct
               siege  engines,  towers,  walls,  and  ramps.  The  Roman   ENSAMPLE. Example; type (1 Co. 10:11; Ph. 3:17; 1
               legions  employed  200  ballistae  or  catapult  machines   Th. 1:7; 2 Th. 3:9; 1 Pe. 5:3).
               that could throw stones. The ones employed by the 10th   ENSHEMESH (fountain of the sun). Jos. 15:7.
               Legion  threw stones  weighing 60 pounds a distance of   ENSIGN. Sign;  token;  signal  (Nu.  2:2; Ps. 74:4; Is.
               more  than  400  meters. They  also  threw  incendiaries,   5:26; 11:10, 12; 18:3; 30:17; 31:9).
               which were stones and arrows dipped in pitch, sulphur,

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