Page 233 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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the Moslem. I am content to learn from them and to denomination, in 1987 the Episcopal churches in
walk with them side by side toward the God who lives, I northern New Jersey voted to receive and study a 15-
believe, beyond the images that bind and blind us page report on “Changing Patterns of Sexuality and
all” (John Spong, Bishop of Newark, “A dialogue in a Family Life.” “It is our conclusion,” says the report, “that
Buddhist temple,” The Voice, Jan. 1989, official by suppressing our sexuality and by condemning all sex
publication of the Diocese of Newark of the Episcopal which occurs outside of traditional marriage, the church
Church USA). Spong has ordained practicing has thereby obstructed a vitally important means for
homosexuals to the ministry, and in a recent book has persons to know and celebrate their relatedness to
said that the Apostle Paul was a self-hating, repressed God.” The report encourages the churches to accept
homosexual. In Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, homosexuals, fornicators, and adulterers as long as they
Spong states, “Am I suggesting that these stories of the are “sensitive, committed” people! The presiding bishop
virgin birth are not literally true? The answer is a simple of the Episcopal Church, Edmond Browning, praised
and direct ‘Yes.’ Of course these narratives are not these actions for being “at the cutting edge” of church
literally true. Stars do not wander, angels do not sing, issues! After a three-year study, an Episcopal Church
virgins do not give birth, magi do not travel to a distant commission in 1991 recommended that bishops be
land to present gifts to a baby, and shepherds do not go allowed to ordain homosexuals to the priesthood. In his
in search of a newborn saviour.” book Living in Sin: A Bishop Rethinks Human Sexuality,
In 1985 the St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Episcopal Bishop John Spong said, “I have known too
Minneapolis ran an advertising campaign which many non-marital relationships marked by the qualities
included this slogan: “The Episcopal Church welcomes of holiness to suggest that they are immoral because
you. Regardless of race, creed, color or the number of they are not within the narrow bands of legal
times you’ve been born.” Twenty Episcopal churches in marriage. ... I regard the blessing of gay or lesbian
the Memphis, Tennessee, area ran an advertisement couples by the church to be inevitable, right, and a
which stated, “In an atmosphere of absolute right and positive good.” This immoral thinking apparently
wrongs, here’s a little room to breathe. ... the Episcopal permeates the Episcopal denomination. In a 1993 study,
Church is totally committed to the preservation of open 70% of nearly 20,000 Episcopalians surveyed said it is
dialogue and undogmatic faith. We exist to tell the possible for sexually active homosexuals to be faithful
world about a God who loves us regardless of what Christians, and 75% of those surveyed said a faithful
we’ve done or what we believe. Even if we do not Christian can live with someone of the opposite sex
believe in Him, He believes in us. We do not suffocate without being married (Christian News, Nov. 1, 1993).
with absolutes.” This, of course, is not biblical Homosexuality. On August 5, 2003, the Episcopal
Christianity; it is gross apostasy. Church’s national convention in Minneapolis confirmed
Well-known evangelical leader Harold Lindsell the appointment of the denomination’s first (openly)
testified, “It is not unfair to allege that among homosexual bishop. This is the first time that an
denominations like Episcopal, United Methodist, United admitted homosexual has been appointed as bishop
Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, the Lutheran anywhere in the worldwide Anglican Communion. The
Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church U.S. confirmation finalizes V. Gene Robinson’s June election
there is not a single theological seminary that takes a by the Diocese of New Hampshire.
stand in favor of biblical infallibility. And there is not a The newly elected bishop broke his solemn marriage
single seminary where there are not faculty members vows 13 years ago when he left his wife and two young
who disavow one or more of the major teachings of the daughters and moved in with his male partner, Mark
Christian faith” (Harold Lindsell, Battle for the Bible, pp. Andrew, who consorted with him at the Minneapolis
145-146). [See Modernism.] convention.
Ecumenism. The Episcopal Church is extremely Exposing the moral perversion of his twisted,
ecumenical and is a member of the National Council of apostate mind, Robinson said: “In my relationship with
Churches in America and the World Council of my partner, I am able to express the deep love that’s in
Churches. The Episcopal Church is also drawing close to my heart, and in his unfailing and unquestioning love of
the Roman Catholic Church in dialogue. Episcopal me, I experience just a little bit of the kind of never-
leaders have frequently met with the Pope. ending, never-failing love that God has for me” (cited by
Immorality. The drop in moral standards goes hand- Alan Cooperman of the Washington Post).
in-hand with a critical view of the Bible. Those who do Speaking at a homosexual march in Washington,
not believe in a holy, sovereign God will not believe in D.C., in April 2000, Robinson said: “... we are worthy to
holiness of life and the fear of God in morality. To hold our heads high as gay folk ... because God has
illustrate the moral climate in the Episcopal proclaimed it so. That we are loved beyond our wildest
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 233