Page 237 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               the church should  be reformed from within and that  it   Each gospel, each epistle, had its preface; while notes
               was  wrong  to  separate  from  it.  He  was  praised  and   were attached to special  passages to point  their force
               criticised by Protestants  and Catholics  alike. Some of his   upon the established usages....
               writings are highly spiritual, even if there are occasional   I shall  read you some of these notes,  and ask  you to
               traces of unsound doctrine. His  Enchiridon (Manual of a   attend to them. Erasmus opens with a  complaint of the
               Christian Soldier) was  so edifying that it was translated   neglect of Scripture, of a  priesthood who thought more
               into  English  by  William  Tyndale, the translator  of  the   of  offertory  plates than  of  parchments,  and  more  of
               first  printed  English  N.T.  I  am  sending  separately  an   gold than of books; of the degradation of spiritual life,
                                                                   and of the vain observances and scandalous practices
               extract  from  one  of  his  last  works,  the  ‘Treatise  on   of the orders specially called religious. ...
               Preparation  for  Death,’  which  I  think  will satisfy  you   Matthew  19:12  (on  those  who  make   themselves
               concerning his spiritual  outlook. A  good  biography  of   eunuchs)—‘Men are  threatened or  tempted into vows
               Erasmus is  R. Bainton’s  Erasmus  of Christendom (Letter   of celibacy.  They can have  license  to go with harlots,
               from  Andrew  Brown  of  the  Trinitarian  Bible  Society,   but  they  must  not  marry  wives.  They  may  keep
               Jan. 7, 1985).                                      concubines  and remain priests. If they take  wives  they
                  Erasmus’ Writings Illustrate His Opposition to Many of   are thrown  to the  flames.  Parents  who design  their
               Rome’s Errors                                       children  for  a celibate priesthood should  emasculate
                  It  is  crucial  to  understand  the  times   in  which   them in their infancy, instead of forcing  them, reluctant
                                                                   or ignorant, into a furnace of licentiousness.’
               Erasmus labored. His writings  and the publication of his   Matthew  23  (on  the  Scribes and Pharisees)—‘...what
               N.T. paved the way for the Reformation. Erasmus lit the   shall  we  say  of  those who destroy  the Gospel  itself,
               fuse  for  the  Reformation  explosion.  This is  no mean   make laws at their  will,  tyrannize  over  the laity,  and
               feat.  Though  I  am  a  Baptist  and  do  not  trace  my   measure  right  and wrong  with  rules  constructed by
               heritage through the Protestant Reformation, I do praise   themselves? ... prelates of evil, who bring disgrace and
               God for  the multitudes which have been saved because   discredit on their worthier brethren?’
               of the Reformation. I believe God used the Reformation   Matthew 23:27 (on whited sepulchres)— ‘What would
               to break the back of Rome’s temporal power to prepare   Jerome  say could he see the  Virgin’s milk exhibited for
               the  way  for  the great  missionary  era  of  the  last  400   money ...  the miraculous oil; the portions of the true
               years. I praise God for the political and social blessings I   cross, enough, if they were  collected, to freight a large
               enjoy today because of the Reformation.             ship? Here we have the hood of St. Francis, there Our
                  We  are  sorry  that  Erasmus   did  not  more   Lady’s petticoat, or St. Anne’s comb, or St. Thomas  of
                                                                   Canterbury’s shoes ...  and  all  through the avarice of
               wholeheartedly  join  the  Reformation  and  make  an   priests   and  the  hypocrisy  of  monks   playing  on  the
               unequivocal departure from the Catholic  church. He was   credulity of the people. Even bishops play their parts in
               wrong in this, for sure, BUT HE DID SEE THE ERRORS   these fantastic  shows, and approve  and dwell on them
               AND THE PROBLEMS. He did see the wickedness. AND    in their rescripts.’
               HE  DID  SPEAK  OUT  PLAINLY  AGAINST  THESE        Matthew 24:23 (on ‘Lo, here is Christ or there’)—‘I saw
               THINGS. Erasmus encouraged many others  to take even   with  my  own  eyes  Pope  Julius  II,  at  Bologna,  and
               bolder  stands  against  Rome.  Nothing  more  plainly   afterwards  at  Rome,  marching  at  the  head  of  a
               evidences this than  his commentary.  At  this  point  we   triumphal  procession as if he  were Pompey or Cæsar.
               will quote from Froude’s Life and Letters of Erasmus:  St. Peter subdued the world with faith, not with arms
                  Erasmus had undertaken to give  the book to the whole   or soldiers or military engines....
                  world  to  read  for  itself—the  original  Greek  of  the   1  Corinthians  14:19  (on  unknown  tongues)—‘They
                  Epistles and Gospels,  with a new  Latin translation—to   chant  nowadays  in  our  churches  in  what  is   an
                  wake up the intelligence, to show that the words  had a   unknown tongue and nothing else, while you will not
                  real sense, and were  not mere  sounds like the  dronings   hear  a  sermon  once in six  months telling people  to
                  of a barrel-organ.                               amend their lives. ... A set of creatures who ought to be
                                                                   lamenting  their  sins  fancy  they  can  please  God  by
                  It was finished at last, text and translation printed, and   gurgling in their throats.’
                  the living  facts of Christianity, the persons of Christ and
                  the Apostles,  their  history,  their  lives,  their  teachings   1  Timothy  1:6  (on  vain  disputations)—‘Theologians
                  were revealed to an astonished world. For the first time   are never tired of discussing the modes of sin, whether
                  the laity were  able  to see, side  by side, the  Christianity   it be  a privation in the  soul or a spot on the soul. Why
                  which converted the world, and the Christianity of the   is it not  enough  simply  to hate sin?  ...  Hundreds of
                  Church  with  a  Borgia  pope,  cardinal  princes,   such  questions  are  debated  by  distinguished
                  ecclesiastical courts, and a mythology of lies. The effect   theologians,  and  the   objects  of  them  are   better
                  was to be a spiritual earthquake.                unknown  than  known.  It  is  all  vanity.  ...  Over
                                                                   speculations like  these theologians professing to teach
                                                                   Christianity have been squandering their lives.’

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