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               and  two times  he  published  the Hebrew  Bible  entire.   ESHEAN (slope). Jos. 15:52.
               But  the  most  important  were his four  editions  of  the   ESHEK (strife). 1 Ch. 8:39.
               Greek N.T. in 1546, 1549, 1550, and 1551 respectively.   ESHTAOL (hollow way). Jos. 15:33.
               These  activities  aroused  the opposition  of  the  Roman
               Catholic  Church,  so  much  so  that  in  1550  he  was   ESHTON (rest). 1 Ch. 4:11.
               compelled to leave Paris and settle in Geneva, where he   ESPOUSAL. Given for  marriage (Song 3:11; Je. 2:2;
               became  a  Protestant,  embracing  the  Reformed   2  Sa. 3:14; Mt. 1:18;  Lk. 1:27; 2:5;  2  Co.  11:2).  [See
               faith” (The New  Schaff-Herzog  Encyclopedia of Religious   Home.]
               Knowledge,  Funk  &  Wagnalls,  “Stephan”;  quoted  by   ESPY. To look out; to  watch; to search (Jos. 14:7; Je.
               Edward Hills, The King James Version Defended, p. 203).  48:19; Eze. 20:6).
                  In  conclusion  we  must  urge  upon  our  reader  the   ESTATE. Condition; station (Ec. 3:18;  Da. 11:7; Co.
               conviction that it is  not Erasmus  or  any other man who   4:8).
               is  the focus of our faith. We do not believe the Received   ESTEEM.  To  value;  to  prize;  to   regard  with
               Text is the pure Word of God because of any  perfection   reverence,  respect  or  friendship;  to  repute  (Webster)
               we find in Tyndale, or Erasmus, or  Beza, or  Stephanus,   (Ps. 119:128; Is. 53:4; Lk. 16:15; Ph. 2:3; 1 Th. 5:13).
               or  King James I, or  the Authorized  Version  translators,   ESTHER  (good  fortune,  the  planet  Venus).  The
               or any other man or group  of men. Far from it! Our faith   Persian  name  of  Hadassah  (a  myrtle),  cousin  of
               is  in  Almighty  God who  gave a perfect  Bible and  Who   Mordecai.  She  became  the  queen  to   Xerxes   son  of
               has  promised  to   keep   it.  [See  Bible,  Bible  Versions,   Darius Hystaspis, king of Persia (Esther).
               Inspiration, Masoretic Text, Preservation.]         ESTIMATION. Valuation; rating (Le. 5:15; 6:6).
                  ERE. Before; not yet (Nu. 11:33).                ESTRANGE. To alienate; to  divert  from  its original
                  ERECH (length, size). Ge. 10:10.               use or  possessor; to apply to  a purpose foreign from its
                  ERI (my watcher). Ge. 46:16.                   original  or  customary  one  (Webster)  (Job.  19:13;  Ps.
                  ERR. To go astray; to miss the mark (Le. 5:18; Nu.   58:3; 78:30; Je. 19:4; Eze. 14:5).
               15:22; 1 Sa. 26:21; Job  6:24; 19:4; Ps. 95:10; 119:21,   ETERNAL. Everlasting; unending. This  is  a quality of
               118; Pr. 10:17; 14:22; Is. 28:7; 29:24; 35:8; Mt. 22:29;   God (De. 33:27; Ro. 1:20; 1 Ti. 1:17). It is also  the gift
               Mk. 12:24, 27; 1 Ti. 6:10, 21; 2 Ti. 2:18; He. 3:10; Ja.   of life God gives  those who trust Jesus  Christ (Jn. 3:16,
               1:16; 5:19).                                      36; 5:24; 6:40; 10:27-28; 17:2-3; Ro. 6:23; He. 9:12; 1
                  ESAIAS.  The Greek form of  Isaiah  (Mt. 3:3;  4:14).   Jn.  5:11).  Eternal  also  describes  the  length  of
               [See Isaiah.]                                     punishment for the unsaved (Mt. 25:46; Mk. 3:29; 2 Th.
                  ESARHADDON (victorious, conqueror). 2 Ki. 19:37  1:9; He. 6:2). The Greek phrase often translated eternal
                  ESAU (hairy). Isaac’s  first  son (Ge. 25:24-26). Esau   could  also  be translated  “into the  ages  of  ages.”  This
               was   not  interested  in  God  and  spiritual  things;   speaks of the never-ending periods of time during which
               therefore, he sold his birthright for  a bowl of soup (Ge.   God  will always  be  working  out  His plans.  [See  Age,
               25:27-34; He. 12:16-17). Esau’s  descendants are called   Day, Eternal Security, Forever, Immortal, Heaven, Hell,
               Edomites (Ge. 36:8; De. 2:4). [See Repentance.]   Judgment, Times, World.]
                  ESCHATOLOGY. Doctrine of last things, referring to   ETERNAL  SECURITY.  Eternal  security  is  the
               prophetic events such  as  the Great Tribulation, Christ’s   confidence  that  the  born  again  believer  has   eternal
               second  coming,  and  judgment.  [See  Allegorical,   salvation in Jesus Christ. This  confidence is based on the
               TRAntichrist, Church, Daniel, Day, Day of the Lord, Gog,   testimony of the Bible. To have Christ is  to have a secure
               Great  Tribulation,  Jesus Christ, Kingdom  of  God, Last   position before God (1 Jn. 5:10-13). The Bible does  not
               Days,  Millennium,  Prophecy,  Roman  Catholic  Church,   use the term “eternal security,” but it does  use the terms
               Second Coming, Times, Revelation.]                “everlasting  life”  (John  3:16)  and  “everlasting
                                                                 consolation” (2 Thessalonians 2:16). The gift of eternal
                  ESCHEW. To  flee from; to shun; to avoid (Job 1:1, 8;   life is promised at least 14 times in the Gospel of John
               2:3). The  English  word  “eschew” is derived  from  the   (John 3:15, 16, 18, 36; 4:14, 36; 5:24; 6:27, 40, 47, 54;
               German  scheuen, meaning  to frighten  and  drive away,   10:28; 17:2-3). It is  a gift that was  purchased by Christ’s
               which  we  retain  in  the  word  “shoo”  (Webster).  The   blood  and  death  on  the cross.  Eternal  security  is  the
               Christian is to eschew evil (1 Pe. 3:11).         blessed  property  of those who are born again  through
                  ESEK (contention). Ge. 26:20.                  repentance toward  God  and  faith  in  Jesus  Christ. It  is
                  ESHBAAL (a man of Baal). 1 Ch. 8:33.           not  the  possession  of  hypocrites   or  those  who  are
                  ESHBAN (man of understanding). Ge. 36:26.      merely  dabbling in  the things of Christ. Those who  fall
                  ESHCOL (cluster of grapes). Ge. 14:13; Nu. 13:23.  away  prove that they  have never  been born again (He.

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