Page 232 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  EPHRAIM  (double  fruitfulness).  The  younger  of   Episcopal doctrine and practice, but most Episcopalians
               Joseph’s   two   sons  (Ge.  41:50-52).  Ephraim  and   are a part of the main group, with less  than two million
               Manasseh both became heirs  to Abraham’s  promises  and   members. Most of the divisions arose after the Episcopal
               blessings, but Ephraim received the chief blessing when   church voted to ordain women to the ministry  in 1976.
               Jacob blessed  the boys before his  death  (Ge. 48:1-22).   The Episcopal denomination has  followed the pattern of
               Both  sons are listed among the 12 tribes of Israel (Nu.   all the modernistic, ecumenical denominations, and has
               1:32-34; Josh. 17:14, 17; 1 Ch. 7:20). Thus, there were   been  losing  members  steadily.  Its  membership  has
               actually  13 tribes, but  Levi, the priestly  tribe, was  not   declined  28%  since  1965.  The number  of  children  in
               counted with the 12 when the land was  divided (Josh.   Sunday School decreased 52% in 25 years.
               14:4).  The  tabernacle  was   set  up  in  Shiloh  within   Doctrine and Liturgy. The Episcopal Church is highly
               Ephraim from the time of  Joshua (Josh. 18:1). It  was   ritualistic, using prayer books and a formal liturgy. They
               here that the people gathered to worship  until the time   claim  there  are  three  foundations  of  faith:  Holy
               of  Eli (1  Sa. 1:3).  After  the Ark  of  the  Covenant  was   Scripture, Reason, and  Church  Tradition. They  have  a
               taken captive by the Philistines, Shiloh was  abandoned   special priesthood and  sacraments  (Baptism, Eucharist,
               (1 Sa. 4:4-11; Ps. 78:60). After the northern tribes broke   Confirmation,  Penance,  Ordination,  Matrimony,  and
               with  Judah,  King  Jeroboam  established  his  capital  in   Healing). They  often  build large,  elaborate cathedrals.
               Shechem  in  Ephraim  (1  Ki.  12:25).  Bethel,  where   The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City is
               Jeroboam set up the idol and  established  the system of   the third largest in the world. Baptism is given to infants
               false religion, was  also in Ephraim (1 Ki. 12:26-32; Jud.   whereby they are believed to be born again and receive
               4:5). Thus, Ephraim was  at the heart of the rebellion of   the  Holy  Spirit.  The  Lord’s Supper  is  considered,  not
               the northern tribes. That is why God often refers to the   simply  a  memorial meal, but an  event  in which  Christ
               northern  kingdom  as  Ephraim  (Is.  7:2,  5,  8,  9,  17;   becomes  present  in  the  bread  and  juice.  Episcopal
               11:13; Eze.  37:16-19; Ho. 4:17;  5:3-15).  In the list of   priests  believe they are reoffering the sacrifice of Christ
               the  tribes   that  are  sealed  in  Re.  7:5-8,  Ephraim  is   in the Lord’s Supper.
               replaced  by  Joseph, but  in the Millennium, Ephraim is   Modernism.  The Episcopal  Church  has  largely  been
               again listed as  one of the 12 tribes  (Eze. 48:5). Some of   taken over by modernism. A majority of the leaders  hold
               the more important  Bible verses  dealing with  the tribe   rationalistic beliefs,  denying  the  perfect  inspiration  of
               of  Ephraim  are  as   follows:  Nu.  1:10-33;  2:18-24;   the  Bible  and  denying  or  questioning  Christ’s  deity,
               26:28-37;  De.  33:17;  Jos.  14:4;  16:4-9;  17:8-17;   virgin birth, resurrection, and other  Bible miracles, yet
               21:5-21; Ju. 1:29; 7:24; 8:1-2; 12:1-5; 17:1-8; 19:1-18;   they are allowed to  remain in good standing within the
               Eze. 48:5-6.                                      denomination.  In  the  first  half  of  the  20th  century,
                  EPHRAIN (hamlet). 2 Ch. 13:19.                 Episcopal  Bishop  James  Pike denied  all  of  the  major
                  EPHRATAH (fertility). Ru. 4:11; Ps. 132:6; Mi. 5:2.  tenants of the Christian faith. He said, “Religious myth
                  EPHRON (strong). Ge. 23:8.                     is  one  of  the avenues  of  faith  and  has  an  important
                  EPICUREANS.  Followers   of  the  ancient  Greek   place in the communication of the Gospel” and he spoke
               philosopher  Epicurus (B.C. 342-271). The Apostle Paul   of the “myth” of the Garden of Eden and the “myth” of
               preached the gospel to  some Epicureans in Athens (Ac.   the virgin  birth. Pike said, “I  have abandoned  ship  on
               17:16-33). Epicurus  saw no evidence of a future life and   the doctrine of the Trinity. I have jettisoned the doctrine
               taught  that  man  should  aim  to  have  pleasure  in  this   of  the  virgin  birth  of  Jesus  Christ”  (Christian  Beacon,
               present life.                                     Mar. 17. 1955).
                  EPISCOPAL CHURCH.  The  Episcopal Church is the   Another  Episcopal bishop, John Spong, has gone to
               American  counterpart  of  the  Church  of  England.   the outer limits  in radical theology. After worshiping in a
               Following  the  American  Revolution,  the  Episcopal   Buddhist temple in  1988, Spong  said, “As the smell of
               church  was  formally  separated  from  the  Church  of   incense filled the air, I knelt before three images  of the
               England,  and  in  1789  the  constitution  of  the  newly   Buddha, feeling that the smoke could carry  my prayers
               formed  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  was   adopted  in   heavenward.  It  was  for  me  a  holy  moment  for  I  was
               Philadelphia.  It  has  retained  most  Anglican  doctrines   certain  that  I  was  kneeling  on  holy  ground.  ...  My
               and  practices.  Episcopal  refers  to  the  manner  of   conviction  is that the true God, the divine mystery, the
               government and  describes  the hierarchical oversight of   essence of holiness, is  within  and  beyond  all  of  these
               the  denomination  by  councils   and  bishops.  [See   ancient  worship traditions.  ...  when  I  visit  a Buddhist
               Anglican Church.]                                 temple it  is  not  for  me a pagan  place ... It  is  rather  a
                  There  have  been  several  small  breakoffs  from  the   holy  place where human beings different from me have
                                                                 felt the presence of God. ... I will not make any  further
               main Episcopal denomination which still hold to former
                                                                 attempt to convert the Buddhist, the Jew, the Hindu or

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