Page 229 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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ELKANAH (God is possessing). Ex. 6:24. Remember that your attitude and work influence your
ELNAAM (God is pleasant). 1 Ch. 11:46. Christian testimony (1 Ti. 6:1; Tit. 2:10). (8) Do not
ELNATHAN (God is giving). 2 Ki. 24:8. talk back to employers and argue with them (Tit. 2:9).
ELOHIM (strong). The most frequently used Hebrew (9) Be completely honest; do not steal or waste things,
including time (Tit. 2:10). (10) Be a good worker even
word for God (Ge. 1:1; Mal. 3:18). It refers to God as if the employer is evil and unjust (1 Pe. 2:18-25). What
Creator and Ruler and refers especially to His power the Bible says to the employer: (1) Treat your workers
and authority. It is also applied to God’s representatives, fairly, remembering that you also have a Master in
such as angels and judges (Ex. 22:28; Ps. 82:6) and to heaven (Ep. 6:9; Col. 4:1). (2) Do not threaten the
false gods (Le. 19:4). [See God, Jesus Christ.] workers in an ungodly way (Ep. 6:9). (3) Give just and
ELON BETH HANAN (oak of the house of grace). 1 equal wages (Col. 4:1; Ja. 5:4; Je. 22:13). (4) Do not be
Ki. 4:9. proud (1 Ti. 6:17). (5) Use your prosperity to be a
ELOTH (oak). 1 Ki. 9:26. blessing to others (1 Ti. 6:17-18). [See also Diligence,
ELPAAL (God is working). 1 Ch. 8:11. Gold, Labor, Money, Possessions, Sluggard, Steal.]
ELPALET (God is escape). 1 Ch. 14:5. EMULATION. To excite to rivalry; to make one
ELPARAN (oak of Paran). Ge. 14:6. jealous (Ro. 11:14).
ELTEKEH (God fearing). Jos. 19:44. EMULATIONS. Jealousy; ardor in an unfavorable,
ELTEKON (God is firm). Jos. 15:59. self-serving sense; resentment toward others that have
or are what we want (Ga. 5:20). “This springs from a
ELTOLAD (God is begetter). Jos. 15:30. desire for self-attention above interest in
ELUL (Cry, outcry). The sixth month of the Hebrew others” (Bunnell). The same Greek word translated
Calendar (Ne. 6:15), corresponding to parts of August “emulations” in Ga. 5:20 (zelos) is also translated
and September. The hot season (Potts). [See Calendar.] “envy” (Ac. 13:45 ), “fervent mind” (2 Co. 7:7),
ELUZAI (God is strong). 1 Ch. 12:5. “indignation” (Ac. 5:17), “jealousy” (2 Co. 11:2), and
ELYMAS (a sorcerer). Ac. 13:8. “zeal” (2 Co. 7:11; 9:2). It is translated “envy” six times
ELZABAD (God is endowing). 1 Ch. 12:12. and “zeal” six times. [See Envy, Jealous.]
ELZAPHAN (God is protecting). Ex. 6:22. ENAM (double fountains). Jos. 15:34.
EMBALM. To prepare a dead body with oil and spices ENAN (fountain). Nu. 1:15.
to preserve it from decay (Ge. 50:2, 26). This was ENCAMPMENT. [See Camp.]
practiced commonly among the Egyptians, but not ENCHANTMENT (to charm; to whisper). The use of
normally among the Israelites. [See Cremation.] magic; one who operates in incantations and curses.
EMERALD. A precious stone that adorned the Enchantment is forbidden by God (Ex. 7:11; Le. 19:26;
breastplate of the high priest (Ex. 28:18), and forms one Nu. 23:23; 24:1; De. 18:10; 2 Ki. 17:17; 21:6; 2 Ch.
of the foundations of the New Jerusalem (Re. 21:19). 33:6; Ac. 8:9, 11; 13:8, 10; 19:19). [See Idolatry,
“Nopech, an emerald, one of the most beautiful of all the Witchcraft.]
gems, and of a bright green color, without any ENDAMAGE. Damage (Ezr. 4:13).
mixture” (Treasury). [See High Priest.] ENDEAVOUR. (1) Action (Ps. 28:4). (2) Strive; give
EMERODS. Tumors (1 Sa. 6:11). diligence; be urgent (Ac. 16:10; 1 Th. 2:17; 2 Pe. 1:15).
EMIMS (the terrible). Ge. 14:5. ENDOR (fountain of Dor). Endor is a small village
EMINENT. High; lofty (Eze. 16:24; 17:22). located about six miles from Bethlehem toward Mt.
EMMANUEL. A prophetic name of Jesus Christ. It Tabor. Deborah and Barak won the victory over Sisera
refers to His deity and means “God with us” (Is. 7:14; here (Ps. 83:9-10). King Saul consulted with the witch
Mt. 1:23). [See Jesus Christ.] in Endor (1 Sa. 28:8-25).
EMPLOYMENT. Livelihood; occupation; business; ENDOW. To purchase (Ex. 22:16).
service. What the Bible says to the employee: (1) Be ENDUED. To put on something; to clothe; to furnish
content with your wages (Lk. 3:14; Ph. 4:11). (2) (Ge. 30:20; 2 Ch. 2:12; Lk. 24:49).
Depend upon God (He. 13:5-6; Ps. 37:25). (3) Serve the ENDURE. (1) To continue; to abide; to remain; to be
employer as if you are serving Christ (Ep. 6:5-8; Col. permanent; eternal (Ps. 30:5; 72:17; 81:15; 89:36;
3:22-25). (4) Work diligently even when no one is 104:31; Jn. 6:27; He. 10:34; 1 Pe. 1:25). (2) To suffer
watching (Ep. 6:6-7; Col. 3:22). (5) Remember that without resistance; to patiently wait; to bear up and
Christ will judge and reward you for your work on earth continue on under hardship (Ro. 9:22; 2 Th. 1:4; 2 Ti.
(Col. 3:22-25). (6) Honor your employer (1 Ti. 6:1). (7) 2:3, 10; 3:11; He. 6:15; 10:32; 11:27; 12:2; Ja. 1:12;
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