Page 88 - Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells
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Shu et al. Stem Cell Research & Therapy          (2020) 11:361                          Page 2 of 11

              (Continued from previous page)
              Trial registration: Chinese Clinical Trial Registration; ChiCTR2000031494; Registered on 2 April 2020; http://www.
              Keywords: Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), Clinical characteristics, Coronavirus pneumonia, Human umbilical
              cord mesenchymal stem cells

            Introduction                                      the treatment of severe COVID-19. To date, the safety
            In December 2019, a series of pneumonia cases occurred  and therapeutic effect of hUC-MSCs on severe COVID-
            in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, and other parts of  19 have not been reported.
            China [1]. Recently, the causative agent was identified as  To evaluate the efficacy of hUC-MSCs for treating se-
            a novel coronavirus, designated SARS-CoV-2 [2, 3], and  vere COVID-19, we conducted this hUC-MSC transplant-
            this type of pneumonia was named coronavirus disease  ation pilot study to elucidate the potential therapeutic role
            2019 (COVID-19). Since then, the number of COVID-19  of these cells in the treatment of severe COVID-19.
            patients has sharply increased not only in China but also
            in most of the world. By April 5, 2020, there were more
            than 1,000,000 confirmed COVID-19 patients and more
                                                              Study design and participants
            than 57,000 deaths in 207 countries, areas, or territories
                                                              This study was a single-center open-label, individually
            all over the world [4]. According to data from the
                                                              randomized, standard treatment-controlled trial con-
            WHO, the mortality of COVID-19 is 5.17%; in some
                                                              ducted at Huangshi Hospital of Traditional Chinese
            places, however, the mortality rate is higher, reaching
                                                              Medicine in Hubei Province from Feb 12 to March 25,
            16.7% [5], which depends on the sample size included
                                                              2020, and it was performed according to the Declaration
            and the severity of the outbreak. Therefore, controlling
                                                              of Helsinki and approved by the Ethics Committee of
            the mortality rate of critically ill patients is of paramount
                                                              the Huangshi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
            importance. Considering its high prevalence and infec-
                                                              (No. HSZYPJ-2020-009-01). Written informed consent
            tion rates, the World Health Organization (WHO) has
                                                              was obtained from all patients or their representatives
            declared COVID-19 a pandemic [6], and it has grown to
                                                              when data were collected retrospectively.
            be a public health emergency of international concern
                                                                The diagnosis of COVID-19 was based on WHO in-
            that represents an enormous threat to global health.
                                                              terim guidance [19] and a new coronavirus pneumonia
            However, thus far, no specific drugs or vaccines are
                                                              diagnosis and treatment program (6th ed.) (in Chinese)
            available to treat COVID-19 patients.
                                                              [20]; the criteria for severe disease are (A) an epidemio-
              Recently, studies have found that SARS-COV-2 inter-
                                                              logical history; (B) etiological evidence (i.e., a positive
            acts with human mucosal epithelial cells through ACE2
                                                              SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test by the real-time reverse
            in a manner dependent on both binding of the viral
                                                              transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay
            spike (S) proteins to cellular receptors and S protein
                                                              for SARS-CoV-2 RNA from the Chinese Center for Dis-
            priming by host cell proteases [7, 8], which reveals cellu-
                                                              ease Control and Prevention following the protocol de-
            lar factors that may be used as therapeutic targets for
                                                              scribed previously [11, 21]); and (C) CT imaging
            controlling SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
                                                              indicators of pneumonia. In addition, these factors
              Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been widely used
                                                              should coincide with any of the following criteria: (a) re-
            in the clinical setting, not only for autoimmune diseases
                                                              spiratory distress, respiration rate (RR) ≥ 30 times/min;
            [9, 10] but also for infectious diseases [11–13], and their
                                                              (b) oxygen saturation ≤ 93% in the resting state; and (c)
            safety and effectiveness have been well elucidated. Umbil-
                                                              PaO 2 /FiO 2 ≤ 300 mmHg (1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa). In gen-
            ical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs), a kind of
                                                              eral, patients with severe COVID-19 whose clinical
            MSC, can be easily obtained and expanded in vitro.
                                                              symptoms were not significantly alleviated under stand-
              Numerous studies have shown that hUC-MSCs have
                                                              ard treatment for 7 to 10 days were recommended for
            significant immune modulation and tissue repair func-
                                                              participation in this pilot study. The patients were ran-
            tions due to their low immunogenicity [14–16]. As an
                                                              domly divided into 2 groups: a standard treatment group
            ideal candidate for allogenic adoptive transfer therapy,
                                                              (control group) and a standard treatment plus umbilical
            hUC-MSCs have been shown to play a protective role in
                                                              cord mesenchymal stem cell infusion group (hUC-MSC
            A/H5N1-associated acute lung injury [17]. Although one
                                                              group). The standard treatment was as follows: (1) sup-
            article has been published recently on the therapeutic ef-
                                                              plemental oxygen (noninvasive or invasive ventilation),
            fects of stem cells on COVID-19, it was about bone mar-
                                                              (2) antiviral agents (abidor/oseltamivir), (3) antibiotic
            row mesenchymal stem cells [18] and did not focus on
                                                              agents (moxifloxacin is taken orally; if there is clear
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