Page 7 - How to Activate Positive Emotions With Aromatherapy
P. 7
How To Use Essential Oils
in Your Daily Life
Aromatherapy is effective because it pulls from many
ancient systems of healing, but always remember that
alternative healing methods should never replace
professional medical advice and/or attention.
We are lucky to be able to access so many plants without
having to go out and find them and identify them.
Emotional healing has been revolutionized by globalization
and the sharing of healing secrets passed down through
generations from real experiences.
Ancient modalities are also available through books and on
the internet easily accessible ways that previous
generations didn’t have. This means we are awakening to
this information at a faster rate and finding these methods
that we didn’t consider before. Reiki and spiritual healing
sessions can help you in your process of emotional healing
as well.
Keep turning over stones and follow your intuition,
especially with aromatherapy. There are many roads that
can lead to healing, and sometimes we need to walk a few
of them to arrive at our destination.