Page 4 - Florida Suicide Interagnecy Action Plan 3-2-2020 (002)
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Latinos and Latinas) data by gender is unavailable,
but the suicide rate for this population was 8.9.
What is the Table 2: 2018 Death Rates per 100,000 Population by Race and
impact of suicide
in Florida?
This overview attempts to answer questions such
as: Who is dying by suicide? What methods are Source:
Floridians using to die by suicide? Who is at risk for
What methods are being used? Of the Floridians
Who is dying by suicide in Florida? Overall, the who died by suicide in 2018, more than 53 percent
incidence of suicide is increasing in Florida. For the
past 10 years, there has been a three-year trend in died by suicide using a firearm and 24 percent died
by one of three other methods, including hanging,
the suicide rate that began with an increase in 2009,
followed by a decrease for the next 2 years. This strangling, or suffocation.
three-year trend repeats until 2018 with a 16.9 rate Who is at risk? Although data for some populations
when 3,552 lives were lost. is unavailable or limited for 2018, it is important for
SPCC to identify at-risk groups or subpopulations
and assist with suicide prevention efforts. The SPCC
Table 1: 2018 Suicide Rate per 100,000 Population recognizes the need to close the gap in data
collection for high-risk and special populations.
High-risk populations are identified in the 2012
National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. Special
populations are the populations that SPCC identified
as uniquely important to target in Florida.
The Department of Health has captured death by
suicide data on an annual basis and will soon be
collecting data using the Florida Violent Death
Reporting System (FLVDRS). The FLVDRS data will
Data Sources: CHART D-13: RESIDENT SUICIDE DEATHS AND RATES collect high risk population data because it allows for
CENSUS YEARS 1970-2000 AND 2008-2018: FLORIDA VITAL a closer review of the circumstances surrounding the
STATISTICS ANNUAL REPORT (2018) death by suicide. The following page discusses
more detail about the reason why certain individuals
The suicide rates for Caucasians residing in Florida are at an increased risk to die by suicide and are
was 32 and 9.8 African American males. These two included in nationally recognized high risk and
races and gender had the highest rates compared to Florida special populations.
Caucasian females at 8.4 and African American
females at 2.2. Latinx (Latinx is the term used for