Page 5 - Florida Suicide Interagnecy Action Plan 3-2-2020 (002)
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National High- Risk Populations
American Indians /Alaska Natives the central nervous system, traumatic injuries and other
American Indians/Alaska Natives are at high risk for disorders of the central nervous system, HIV/AIDS, chronic
suicide due to alcohol and substance use, kidney disease, arthritis, migraine, and asthma are at high
discrimination, limited access to mental health services risk for suicide.
and historical drama.
Individuals with mental and/or substance use
Individuals bereaved by suicide disorders
Individuals bereaved by suicide are also known as Individuals with mental health and or substance use
suicide survivors or survivors of suicide loss. This disorders are at risk for suicide in all age groups. Nationally,
population includes, family members, friends, co- individuals with major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder,
workers, or anyone who has known someone who has anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia are at higher risk for
died by suicide. Between 30 to 60 individuals may be suicide.
affected by a suicide death. Suicide survivors may Use of alcohol and other substances are a risk factors for
feel depression, guilt, social isolation, complicated suicide because of increased risk of depression, impulsive
grief, and psychiatric symptoms. behaviors, and impaired judgement regarding actions and
Individuals in justice and child welfare settings
Individuals in justice settings include youth and adults. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, (LGBT)
They are at high risk because they experience family Populations
abuse, impulsive aggression, disciplinary problems, Individuals who identify as LGBT may experience prejudice
and poor family support. They may also have a history and discrimination. Risk factors associated with LGBT
of mental illness, substance abuse, suicidal behaviors, individuals include depression, mental health issues,
abuse, interpersonal conflict, involvement in special alcohol or drug abuse, stress caused by discrimination and
education, and family history of suicide. prejudice, and feelings of isolation. In particular, gay and
Youth in child care settings experience mental bisexual men are at higher risk for suicide attempts before
disorders and abuse such as physical, sexual, and they turn 25.
emotional. They may have current or prior self-
injurious behavior. They consider and attempt suicide Members of armed forces and Veterans
four times more than the general youth population. Members of armed forces and Veterans experience
exposure to traumatic events, such as combat, that causes
Individuals who engage in nonsuicidal self-injuries losses and fears; injuries; repeated deployment and
Individuals who engage in nonsuicidal self-injuries relocation; and military sexual violence contribute to an
(NSSI) are at risk for suicide. National research shows increased need for behavioral health services in this
that self-injury youth who attempt suicide experienced population. The National Center for Post Traumatic Stress
suicidal ideation and depression symptoms compared Disorder (PTSD) identified four types of PTSD including
to youth who self-injure only. Research also indicates war, terrorism, violence and abuse, and disaster that can
that NSSI individuals are at risk of dying by suicide affect Veterans and their families.
within 10 years.
Men in midlife
Individuals who have attempted suicide The risk-related behaviors for men in midlife include
Individuals who have attempted suicide find it hard to underreported mental health and substance abuse
reintegrate into their home, schools, and workplaces. problems, interpersonal violence, economic hardships, not
They experience shame, self-doubt and fear of seeking help, dissolution of intimate relationships, and
biased reactions. access to lethal means.
Individuals with medical conditions Older men
Due to various symptoms such as depression, suicidal The risks for older men are social disconnection, physical
ideation, and level of pain, individuals with medical illness, functional decline, and mental disorders. Older men
conditions such as cancers, degenerative diseases of do not seek treatment for mental health and mood