Page 6 - Florida Suicide Interagnecy Action Plan 3-2-2020 (002)
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Florida Special Populations

         Caregivers/ persons with disabilities
         The Agency for Persons with Disabilities State Office  First responders/ law enforcement
         (APD)  joined  the  Suicide  Prevention  Coordinating  First  responders  and  law  enforcement  are  exposed  to
         Council  in  2019  to  focus  on  suicide  prevention.  trauma  and  stress  repeatedly.  Although  Florida-specific,
         Although caregivers and persons with disabilities are  suicide  data  is  unavailable  for  first  responders  and  law
         not high-risk populations nationally, it is important for  enforcement, among known data, 40 first responders/law
         Florida  to  look  at  these  populations  due  to  suicide- enforcement officers lost their lives to suicide since 2016 .
         related risks associated with both caregiving and poor
         health ailments. Since March 2017, there have been  Individuals who have experienced a disaster
         28  recorded  suicide  attempts  from  caregivers  or  Most research conducted on suicide post-disaster finds no
         persons  with  disabilities.  However,  the  data  for  this  increases  in  suicide  rates  immediately  after  disasters.
         population  is  limited  and  efforts  to  improve  data  However, suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts are likely to
         collection are ongoing.                                emerge several months after a disaster.
                                                                The  Florida  Department  of  Health  is  responding  to  the
         Youth                                                  potential  link  between  post-disaster  and  suicide  risk
         In 2018 there were 31 deaths by suicide for youth ages  through  use  of  the  Centers  for  Disease  Control’s
         10-14 and 117 for ages 15-19. According to the 2017  “Community  Assessment  for  Public  Health  Emergency
         High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 41.1 percent  Response (CASPER). The primary goals of CASPER are
         of high school females report feelings of sadness or  to rapidly obtain information about the needs of an affected
         hopelessness.  These youth are more likely to think  community,  and  to  assess  changes  in  needs  during  the
         about  attempting  suicide  and  plan  how  they  will  response or recovery period.
         attempt. High school females are more likely to attempt
         suicide than high school males in Florida.

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