Page 14 - Personal Spiritual Life Syllabus w videos
P. 14
5. Why is important to know that your body is God’s temple?
6. What family exchange took place when you believed?
7. Why couldn’t you understand the Bible before you believed?
8. Why is going to church and fellowshipping with other believers important?
9. How does your motivation to give change once you believe?
10. How does your outlook on those around you change once you believe?
2.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: Let’s go through a check list to see if you have experienced these changes in your life
once you believed. Check the box if you have seen a difference in your life.
I have a new heart.
I have a new nature.
The Holy Spirit came to live in you.
I treat my body differently since it is the temple of God.
I can cry out, “Abba Father” because you have been adopted.
I know you are going to Heaven when you die.
I can now understand the Bible and enjoy reading it daily.
I go to church and fellowship with other believers.
I have become generous with what God has given me.
I desire to share the Gospel with others.