Page 15 - Personal Spiritual Life Syllabus w videos
P. 15
Study Section 3: Can You Lose your Salvation?
3.1 Connect.
There are some groups that teach that people can get saved then commit some terrible
sin or just walk away from God, and they will lose their salvation. According to this
philosophy, they are then lost and their name has been erased from the Book of Life. If
they repent and come back to Christ, they can get saved again. Some people in this group
get saved dozens of times. One day they might have hope of eternal life, and then in the
next day, they lost that hope and now are lost again. Not a very joyful life, huh?
Does the Bible say we can lose our salvation? Can we walk away from the Savior who died for us?
Today we will try to answer this question from God’s Word. Let’s get started…..
3.2 Objectives:
1. The student should be able to discover that God not only saved us, but keeps us saved.
Salvation was not based on something we did or did not do. It was a God thing.
2. The student should be able to describet the two natures that every believer possesses.
3. The student should be able to explain why God left our old sin nature intact after we believed.
3.3 Can you lose your salvation? (Some material from
The answer is NO; you cannot lose your salvation!
When people come to know Christ as their Savior, they are brought into a relationship
with God that guarantees their salvation as eternally secure. To be clear, salvation is more
than saying a prayer or “making a decision” for Christ; salvation is a sovereign act of God
whereby an unregenerate sinner is washed, renewed, and born again by the Holy Spirit
(John 3:3; Titus 3:5). When salvation occurs, God gives the forgiven sinner a new heart and puts a new
spirit within him (Ezekiel 36:26). The Spirit will cause the saved person to walk in obedience to God’s
Word (Ezekiel 36:26–27; James 2:26). Numerous passages of Scripture declare the fact that, as an act of
God, salvation is secure:
Romans 8:30 And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He
justified, He also glorified.
This verse tells us that from the moment God chooses us, it is as if we are glorified in His presence in
heaven. There is nothing that can prevent a believer from one day being glorified because God has
already purposed it in heaven. Once a person is justified, his salvation is guaranteed—he is as secure as
if he is already glorified in heaven.
Paul asks two crucial questions: