P. 27
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Kernersville Wesleyan College
KHS Championship Baseball Team 1957. Names listed on page 96
Higher education has been ably represented in
Kernersville for the past 25 years by Kernersville Wes-
leyan College, formerly Southern Pilgrim College. This
coeducational institution was organized in 1946 by the
North Carolina District of the Pilgrim Church.
The Dunlap Springs Hotel was purchased by the
denomination to house the institution. Gradually ad-
jacent property was acquired and additional buildings
were erected. The campus currently consists of sixty-
two acres of land and twelve buildings.
The college curricula combines a standard junior
college with a four year undergraduate theological pro-
gram. The high school is fully accredited by the State
of North Carolina.
Students from seventeen denominations come from
. . The Walter Friende Family
more than a dozen states and foreign countries. The S~x of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Friende have obtained their
m~ster s degrees. Four of them have spent their lives serving in the
college is distinguished by its spiritual emphasis, friendly W mston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools.
atmosphere, academic excellence and pleasant surround-
For well over one hundred years schools have been
operating here. From research on the history of education
in Kernersville one concludes that at no time since the
Masons opened a subscription school at the Plunkett
Place have students ,~een deprived of getting an educa-
tion. On many occasions they had the opportunity to
attend a free or private school. Certainly churches,
groups, and individuals who lifted up the cause of edu-
cation and made learning possible deserve special rec-
ognition. Past history of such calibre should be an in-
spiration to those responsible to "tum up the lamps of
knowledge" as often as possible.
East Forsyth High School
Madrigal Singers in Paris 1969. Names listed on page 96
What greater or better gift can we offer the Republic than
to teach and instruct our youth.