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fourth Sunday. Fifth Sunday was a union meeting of
all churches. When the preacher came, there was three
o'clock meeting Saturday afternoon, Sunday School and
elev n o'clock preaching on Sunday morning.
By 1914 the membership had reach 128. During the
pastorate of the Rev. T. Sloan Guy, the church began
plans for the erection of their third church building, the
brick church on Main Street, now occupied by the con-
gregation of the Main Street Baptist Church. On April 27,
1916, the first service in the new building was held.
The church has started two missions: Union Grove,
organized a few years before 1914 and Colfax, begun in
1955 and 1956. One of its sons, the Rev. John McGe , has
been a missionary in Nigeria over twenty-five years ..
Two parsonages have been built; one, a frame bun-
galow on Cherry Street completed in 1925 and first oc- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Linville on West Mountain St.,
cupied by the Rev. J. R. Miller and family; the other, a The main part of the house was built in 1865 or 1866.
modern brick, constructed during the Rev. Charles Bur-
chette's pastorate and first occupied by his family in July, held services in the home of J. C. Roberts and wife,
1956. The construction of the three story brick education- whose home was located on the site where Mrs. James
al building on Main Street was begun in 1950 when Rev. Justice now lives.
Clyde Glosson was pastor. It is impossible to give an estimate of the cost of
On August 30, 1959, Kernersville First Baptist the building. Brick used for construction of the edifice
Church celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary. Sep- were made on the grounds by donated labor and much
tember 11, 1960, the Rev. Homer Good and 690 members of the materials and labor used in construction were
dedicated the new magnificent house of worship on given by members and friends. According to reliable
Oakhurst Street. The Rev. Amis Daniel, the present pas- information, there were approximately 15 charter mem-
tor, came in 1964. The SundaY. School recognized Mr. H. bers, none of whom are now living.
C. Porter, who in 1965 completed twenty-three years of There are many descendants still living here whose
faithful leadership as superintendent. In the spring and great grandparents were involved in organizing this
summer of 1967, a remarkable revival was experienced church. One event we were proud of this summer was
among the youth of the congregation. Many tal nted the marriage in our church of two descendants of the
ne.w members have increased the fellowship to 855 as of founders of our church: Miss Patsy Fay Warren, great
1968. granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Linville and Mr.
The Cherry Street United Methocl'ist Church was Keith Albert, great grandson of Mrs. Melissa Albert.
originated in the year 1885, the deed to the land on which Our present pastor is the Rev. 0. E. Merritt.
the church now stands having been made on August 20, Kernersville Friends Meeting became established
1885. J. C. Roberts, W. M. Linville and J. M. Guyer through the faith and energy of Myrtle and Shepard
were the first trustees to whom the deed was made. The Nelson. It started with a tent meeting and revival in
land and $500 was given by J. C. Roberts and wife. The 1906 on the spot where the first meetinghouse was built.
church was originated through the efforts of J. C. Rob- On July 24, 1907, a committee was set up by New Gar-
erts and wife, J. M. Guyer, W. M. Linville, J. N. Leake, den Monthly Meeting to set up Kernersville Friends
Hubbard Peeples, the Rev. Cicero Harris and pos- Meeting. In 1908, property was acquired and the first
sibly others. The church first originated as a society and meetinghouse was built. The church did not have a full
Cherry Street United Methodist Church~ 1885
First Friends Meeting House - 1906