P. 30

The  present  edifice  was  constructed  in  1889.  During
                                                                                      this period, the  church trustees  who provided  leadership
                                                                                      for  the  building  effort  were  the  late  W.  M.  Phillips,
                                                                                      Joseph  Nelson  and  William  Wright.
                                                                                           St.  Paul's, being the oldest,  was originally supported
                                                                                      by  the  entire  community,  including  in  its  membership
                                                                                      such  family  names  as  :Matthews,  Taylor,  Lash,  Chavis,
                                                                                      Nelson,  Bost,  King  and  Warren.
                                                                                           St.  Paul's  has  had  many  ministers,  but  one  pianist
                                                                                      and choir director.  Mrs.  Leone Matthews Friende played
                                                                                      for  the  first  choir,  and  after  sixty  years  of  continuous
                                                                                      service  is  still  pianist  and  director  of  the  Senior  Choir.
                                                                                      Mrs.  Inez  Matthews  Merritt,  a  member  of  the  original
                                                                                      choir  is  still  an  active  choir  member.  An  historical  ac-
                                                                                      count  would  not  be  complete  without  mentioning  the
                                                                                      dedicated, dependable service of Miss Gresley Chambers.
                   Moravian  Easter  Sunrise  Service - 1955
                                                                                           Providence  Baptist  Church  was  founded  March  4,
                                                                                     1885 under  the  leadership of B.  A.  Brown, J. H.  Linville,
             The  Moravian  church  in  its  history  has  shared  with              and John Hepler.  The Reverend J.  N.  Stallings was instal-
        the community some of its  distinctive  customs  and prac-                   led  as  pastor  at  this  time.  Three  years  later  Dr.  0.  C.
        tices  in  worship  and  expression  of  Christian  faith.  Em-              Pope  of Greensboro  helped to finance  another church  at
        phasis  on  personal  evangelism,  Christian  Education  and                 which time  the  Reverend  N.  W.  Johnson was  the  pastor.
        foreign  missions  has  not  changed  over  the  years.  The                 This church was completed in November,  1888.  The deed
        way  of  life  has  always  traditionally  been  that  of  quiet             was  filed  for  registration  at twelve  o'clock noon  Decem-
        involvement  in  the  life  of  the  community.                              ber  28,  1888.  The  church  at  this  time  was  called  the
             Some  of  the  unique  Moravian  traditions  which  the                 Colored  Baptist  Church.  The  congregation  received  fi-
        townfolks  have  experienced  through  the  years  include                   nancial help  from  all  of  the  townspeople  in  their efforts
        the  use  of  a  brass  band  in  special  services.  On  Easter             to  improve  their  house  of  worship.
        morning,  the  band  goes  throughout  the  community  to
        announce  the  Resurrection.  In  the  earlier  years,  the
        band  travelled  on  foot,  playing  by  the  light  of  lan-
        te1ns.  This  was  preliminary  to  the  coming  together  of
        hundreds  to  the  Moravian  graveyard,  there  to  join  the
        band  and  the  Church  triumphant to  proclaim  the "Lord
        is  Risen."  The  distinctive  use  of  lovefeast  services  at-
        tract many in  the community.  The serving of  coffee and
        buns  with  congregational  singing  to  symbolize  unity,
        equality,  and  love  has  added  to  the  worship  life  of  the
        community.  The  traditional  candle  light  services  at
        Christmas  seem  to  appeal  to  the  spiritual  sensitivity  of
       the  community  as  growing  throngs  of  worshippers  come
       each  year  to  participate  in  these  symbolic  services.
             The  Moravians  hope  that  through  their  church,  the
                                                                                                         Mrs.  Leona  Matthews  Friende
       community  of  Kernersville  has  found  in  their  life  and
       traditions  a  contribution  to  what  all  Christians  are  try-
                                                                                                       St.  Paul's  United  Methodist  Church
       ing  to  do.                                                                                          Church  Street,  1870's
             The  St.  Paul's  United  Methodist  Church  originated
       during  the  1870's.  The  original  sanctuary  was  pur-
       chased from  the  Main  Street  Methodist Church and was
       relocated  on the site presently occupied by the St.  Paul's
             As  the  residential  pattern  of  members  and  poten-
       tial  members  began  to  shift  toward  the  northeastern
       section  of  the  community,  it  became  apparent  that  a
       more  accessible  location  of  the  church  was  imminently
       desirable.  This  concern  precipitated  a  search  for  a  new
       site  for  the  church which  culminated in  the  purchase  of
       the  present  property  in  1886.  This  property  was  pur-
       chased  from  George  Taylor,  grandfather  of  Mrs.  Inez
       Matthews  Merritt · and  Mrs.  Leone  Matthews  Friende.

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