P. 35
Religion should be the rule of life}
not a casual incident of it.
The Rev. S. L. McKay was appointed by the Presby-
tery to work in the Kernersville field as organizing minis-
ter. The first workshop service was held at the church on
Otocber 2, 1960. 1969 the Reverend James E. Carriker accepted a call
On February 5, 1961, the Presbytery Commission from the congregation and became the second minister
met at the church building at 611 Oakhurst Street and of the church.
the First Presbyterian Church of Kernersville was offi- The First Presbyterian Church is located at 611
cially organized. Thirty-five charter members were re- Oakhurst Street on five acres of land. The congregation
ceived into membership. The newly formed congre- of seventy members is involved in several community
gation took the following action: am d the church The activiti s and is conducting a self study which may lead
First Presbyterian Church of Kernersville, elected elders, to the construction of a new building on the Oakhurst-
deacons, and called S. L. McKay as Pastor. Gordon Street property.
Mr. McKay served as pastor from July 1960 to The Kernersville Church of Christ was organized
August 1966. The church was without a pastor from on January 6, 1963. The congregation met for nearly a
September 1966 to June 1969. During this time, several year in the Community House on Salisbury Street. Land
ministers filled the pulpit including the Reverend Shorty was purchased from the McKaughan family and a build-
Smith and the Reverend Roscoe B. Fisher. On June 1, ing erected within the year. The first service was held
in the church building on the last Sunday of December,
1963. The church is located on Salisbury Street Exten-
sion. Four classrooms and a basem nt have been added
recently to the church.
K nneth D. Smith of Rural Hall has ministered to
the congregation since its beginning. The average at-
tendance for Bible School is one hundred. As a part of
its Mission work, the church gives financial aid to Atlanta
Christian College in Atlanta, Georgia and to Winston-
Salem Bible College.
The Church of Christ is a ew Testament Church,
believing that to be a Christian, one must hear, believe,
rep nt, confess, be baptized, and live a Christian life.
Plans for a Lutheran Church in Kernersville began
in July, 1965, when the Rev. Lawrence Kelm arrived in
town. Assigned to this area as "Mission-Director" by the
Mission Board of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod,
First Presbyterian Church Pastor Kelm began the task of canvassing this com-
Oakhurst Street
February 5, 1951 munity.
This is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spears on South Main
Street. A brick was found in the chimney when the house was
being remodeled dating it back to 1834.
Kernersville Church of Christ
Salisbury Street Extension
January 6, 1963