P. 38


                                   A politician thinks of the next election,-

                                       a statesman, of the next generation.

                                    MAYORS                                                                         CLARKE
              The  venerable  Joseph  Armfield,  born  May  6,  1800
         was  the first  mayor of Kernersville,  elected in  May  1871.                Dr.  Robbins  wrote his  sketches  L.  Frank Davis,  a  native
         Armfield  Street  was  named  for  him.  The  first  Board  of                of  the  Sandy  Ridge  Community  in  Guilford  County,
         Aldermen  was  composed  of  J.  C.  Roberts  (one  of  the                   was  mayor.  He mov  d  to  Kernersville  in  1880 and oper-
         founding  fathers  of  Cherry  Street  Methodist  Church),                    ated  a  mercantile  store  under  the  name  of  L.  F.  Davis
         William  Asbury  Griffith  (a  trustee  of  the  Kernersville                 and Son.  He built, owned, and operated the first  hosiery
         Academy,  staunch  member  of  the  Main  Street  Method-                     mill  in  Kernersville.  It  was  located  on  Bodenhamer
         ist  Church,  and  great  grandfather  of  two  of  Kerners-                  Street.  In his later years he sold the mill to Adams-Millis,
         ville' s  present  citizens,  George  and  Paul  Fulp),  and  Jos-            Inc.  So far as  we have been able to determine, he served
         eph  J.  Korner  (who  was  the  town'  first  treasurer - the                as  mayor until W.  S.  Linville was elected in  1908.  When
         revenue  was  $15;  there  was  no  indebtedness).                           he came to Kernersville he built a home on Cherry Street
              Mr.  Armfield  was  succeeded  by  Dr.  A.  D.  Lindsay                 where he  and his  family  resided  until his  death  in  1909.
         who  practiced  medicine  in  this  vicinity.  He  was  post                 The  home  is  now  occupied  by  his  granddaughter  and
         surgeon  during  the  Civil  War.  After  serving  as  mayor                  great  granddaughter.
         for thr~e terms,  he retired in favor of Professor J.  S.  Ray.                    Our town  records  begin  with  the  term  of Walter  S.
              Prof.  Ray,  who  came  to  teach  and  have  charge  of                Linville  in  1908.  Among  the  business  transacted  during
         the  Kernersville  Academy  in  1870,  served  as  mayor  for                his  term of office  was  a  motion  to  discontinue  the  use  of
         several years.  He was followed by Augustus H.  S.  Beard                    street  lamps  for  six  months  trial  during  the  summer.  If
         ("Gus" Beard was  a  tinner,  an important person in  those                  "any business man or church or individual would keep it
         days),  Dr.  Elias  Kerner  (physician,  founding  father  of                up,  the  town  would  furnish  the  lamps."  Elected  as
         Kernersville  Moravian  Church,  trusteee  of  Kernersville                  Graded  School  Trustees  were:  J.  M.  Greenfield,  E.  H.
         Academy),  J.  Calvin  Roberts  (who  built  the  James  T.                  Gibson,  J.  P.  Linville,  George  V.  Fulp,  and  Cid  F.  Ker-
         Justice  home),  J.  M.  Guyer  (cashier  of  Forsyth  Bank                  ner.  The  Chief of  Police,  vV.  H.  Perdew,  was  re-elected
         and Trust Company in Kernersville, Justice of the Peace,                     monthly.  His  salary  was  fixed  at  $30  per  month.  An
         and  insurance  man),  and  Lewis  Ervin  Griffith  (promi-                  Act of the  Legislature  of  1909  allowed  the  town  to  vote
         nent merchant and businessman,  the father  of Mrs.  Fan-                    on  bonds  for  street improvements.  Mr.  Linville  was  one
         nie  Sue  Griffith  and  Mrs.  Rosa  Fulp,  and  co-owner  of                of the founding fathers of Cherry Street United Methodist
         Stafford  and  Griffith  store.)                                             Church.  He  was  in  the  mercantile  business  in  the  firm
              In  1888  Dr.  D.  P.  Robbins  of  Winston-Salem  wrote                of  Fulp  and  Linville.
         a  Descriptive  Sketch  of Winston-Salem,  It's  Advantages                       C.  L.  Linville  served  during  1909-10.  He  was  the
         and  Surroundings,  Kernersville,  Etc.,  completed  under                   son  of  R.  S.  Linville,  one  of  Forsyth  County's  Commis-
         the  auspices  of the  Chamber of Commerce.  At  the  time                   sioners  in  1897.  Following  graduation  from  Oak  Ridge

                                                  L.  Frank  Davis-Mayor
             Dr.  Elias  Kerner,  Fifth  Mayor         1888-1908                                   Lewis  E.  Griffith  and  wife  Fannie,  Eighth  Mayor

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