P. 43
E. E. Shore being
sworn in as mayor by
Bill Church 1958
D. E. Dunlap-Mayor William Herman Morton-Mayor
1956-1957 1953-19.55; 1960-1961
Many a program of these c1v1c organizations was en
livened by his ready wit.
Matthew C. Donahue served one and one-half terms
from May 1961 to July 1964. Town ordinances enacted
during this time by th Board of Ald rmen wer : New
Town of Kernersville Charter which included changing to program in the town's history, a $1.6 million bond issue
city manager form of government; stablishing a Kern rs for water and s wer improvements, the establishment of a
vill Planning Board; enacting the first Kernersvill zon full-time fire d partment, the adoption of the town man
ing ordinances; codification of Kernersville's ordinances; ager plan. e
authoriz d and provided funds for planning of new K r Mr. Swisher's outside interests include Cherry
n rsville Town Hall; installed system of sanitary land Street Methodist Church, the Civitan Club, the Moose
fill for rubbish; established a new town bookkeeping sys Lodge and the Masonic Lodg . He helped to organize
tem; communication system tie-in with other law en th Kernersville Chamber of Commerce. He was Ker
forcem nt agencies; and a telephone system for volun n rsville's Man of the Year for 1964 and was awarded the
teer firemen for fire alarns. Mr. Donahue is at pr .sent Distinguished S rvic key by the Junior Chamber of
Vocational-Technical Director of the Cape Fear Tech Commerc . He is married to the former Sylvia Faith
nical Institute in Wilmington, N .C. eugent. They have a son and daughter.
Roger Paul Swisher, our pres nt mayor, was born
in Yadkin County in 1930 but moved to Kernersville with
his family in 1934. He has grown up with its problems
and triumphs. He knows its people and their families.
Corning from a family that is strongly inter sted in
politics, it is no surprise to anyone that he ended up in
th town's Number One leadership position.
Mr. Swisher att nded Kernersville School. H also
clerked in a drug store and delivered newspapers. He
worked as a knitter in Burlington Industries' Vance
Plant. In 1953 he joined S. & R. Motor Company - a Matthew C. Donahue-Mayor Roger Swisher-Mayor
firm that had been established by his father a short time
after his arrival in Kernersville. In 1963 he was elected
ald rman by an unprecedented vote - 528 out of 701.
Wh n Mayor Matthew C. Donahue r signed to move
to Wilmington in 1964, Mr. Swisher was elected Mayor
by the Board of Aldermen. He has been reelected every
two years since. His service has been marked by som of
the most far-reaching developments in Kernersvill 's his
tory-completion of the Town Hall, the first annexation