P. 47

nersville to work in his  father's store.  He was married to                  KERNERSVILLE  SALUTES  FIVE  DISTINGUISHED
        the late Esther McKaughan and served on the Board from                                            FORMER  CITIZENS
        1961  until his  retirement in  March  1970.  He is  a  Mason
                                                                                          Many  native  sons  and  former  citizens  of  Kerners-
        and a  Shriner.  He is  a  life  long  member of  Main  Street
                                                                                     ville  have  brought recognition  to  themselves,  their fami-
        Methodist  Church.
                                                                                     lies  and  to  this  town.  We  are  proud  to  claim  them  all
             J.  M. Pinnix, III (Johnny) was born on October 20,
                                                                                     and  wish  we  could  name  each  one.  However,  we  have
        1945 to J.M. and Esther Pinnix.  He attended local pub-
                                                                                     selected  five  who  have  made  particular  contributions  in
        lic  schools  and  graduated with  a  B.S.  in Pharmacy from
                                                                                     the  past  and  today.  We  honor  them  in  this  small  way
        the University of North Carolina  at Chapel Hill in  1969.
                                                                                     because  they  have  honored  us,  their  fellow  citizens,
        He  is  married  to  the  former  Charlene  Hipp  and  has
                                                                                     with  their  lives  of  dedication  and  service.
        served on the Board since  March  1970.  He is  a  Director
        of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce.

                                                                                          Robah  Bascom  Kerner  was  born  in  Kernersville  in  1859.  After
                                                                                         his  local  education,  he  attended  the  University  of  North  Carolina,
                                                                                         then  taught  four  years  at  the  Salem  Boys'  School  "before  he
                                                                                         reached  his  majority"  (before  he  was  21).  He  attended  Dick  &
                                                                                         Dillard  law  school  in  Greensboro  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar.
                                                                                         As  a  Winston  resident,  he  was  appointed  solicitor  for  the  Inferior
                                                                                         Court  in  1883.  He  served  as  City  Clerk  and  Treasurer  and  on
                                                                                         the  Board  of  the  City  as  School  Commissioner.  He  was  elected
                                                                                         Mayor  of Winston  in  February  1892.  He  died  in  office  September
                                                                                         25,  1893  at  the  age  of  34.  His  promising  career  as  a  public  ser-
                                                                                         vant  was  cut  short  by  his  untimely  death.

                                                                                             Jules  Gilmer  Korner,  Jr.  was  born  at  Korner's  Folly  in
                                                                                         Kernersville  in  1887.  After  early  schooling  with  tutors  and  at
                                                                                         his  father's  private  school,  he  attended  Trinity  College  (now  Duke
                                                                                         University)  and  there  he  did  his  undergraduate  work  and  later
                                                                                         received  his  law  degree.  He  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1913.
                                                                                         He  served  in  the  armed  forces  as  Lt.  (J.C.)  USNRF.  After  mov-
                                                                                         ing  to  Washington,  D.  C.  he  became  a  prominent  attorney  and
                                                                                         during  the  Hoover  administration  was  appointed  Chairman,
                                                                                         United  States  Board  of  Tax  Appeals.  Later  he  continued  in  pri-
                                                                                         vate  practice  as  a  leading  Washington  lawyer.
                                                                                             We  in  Kernersville  salute  him  in  this  book  not  only  as  a
                                                                                         prominent  citizen,  but  because  of  his  interest  in  his  native  town,
                                                                                         his  ancesters  and  his  kinfolks.  This  interest  took  him  to  Germany
                                                                                         on  several  occasions  where  he  made  contact  with  Korner  (Kerner)
                                                                                         relatives  and  where  he  did  extensive  research  on  family  history.
                                                                                         Further  research  took  him  to  many  states,  courthouses,  family
                                                                                         Bibles,  gravestones  and  old  letters.   The  end  result  was  his
                                                                                         splendid  book  on  the  Kerners  and  Kernersville,  Joseph  of  Ker-
                                                                                         nersville.  He  died  in  1967  and  is  buried  in  the  Korner  family
                                                                                         graveyard behind  the  Moravian  Church.

                                                                                            Senator  B.  Everette  Jordan's  official  biography  says  he  was
                                                                                         born  in  Ramseur,  N.  C.  (Randolph  County)  in  1896,  but  men-
                                                                                         tions  that  he  lived  in  Kernersville  while  growing  up  as  the  son  of
                                                                                         a  Methodist  Minister.  He  attended  Rutherford  and  Trinity  Col-
                                                                                         leges  and  has  served  as  trustee  for  American  University,  Duke
                                                                                         University  and  Elon  College.  He  has  served  as  Methodist  Lay
                                                                                         Leader,  teacher  of  an  adult  Bible  Class  for  more  than  30  years,
                                                                                         and  vice-president  of  the  Board  of  Methodist  Colleges.
                                                                                             In  1958  Governor  Luther  Hodges  appointed  him  to  fill  the
                                                                                         unexpired  term  of  the  late  W.  Kerr  Scott  to  the  United  States
                                                                                         Senate.  He  has  been  elected  to  each  succeeding  term.  In  the
                                                                                         Senate  he  has  served  with  great  distinction  as  Chairman  of  the
                                                                                         Senate  Rules  Committee,  Chairman  of  the  Senate  Presidential
                                                                                         Inaugural  Committee  and  also  as  a  member  of  the  Agriculture
                                                                                         Committee  and other important  Senate  committees.

                                                                                             Edwin  Monroe  Stanley  was  born  in  Forsyth  County  in
                                                                                         1909.  He  received  his  LL.B.  degree  from  Wake  Forest  Univer-
                                                                                         sity  in  1931  and  in  1964  he  was  honored  by  his  alma  mater
                                                                                         with  the  LL.D.  degree.  He  was  admitted  to  the  North  Carolina
                                                                                         bar  in  1930  and  engaged  in  general  practice  in  Greensboro  from
                                                                                         1931  to  1954.  He  became  Judge  of  the  Greensboro  Juvenile
                                                                                         Court  in  1951.  In  1954  he  was  appointed  United  States  At-
                                                                                         torney,  Middle  District  of  North  Carolina.  In  1957  he  was  ap-
                                                                                         pointed  United  States  District  Judge  for  the  Middle  District  of
                                                                                         North  Carolina  and  in  1961  he  was  appointed  Chief  Judge.
                                                                                             He  has  served  as  a  member  of  the  Committee  on  Trial
                                                                                         Practice  and  Technique,  Judicial  Conference  of  the  United  States,
                                                                                         member  of  the  Judicial  Conference  of  United  States  Committee
                                                                                         on  Court  Administration,  trustee  of  Wake  Forest  University  and
                                                                                         President  of  the  General  Alumni  Association,  Wake  Forest  Uni-

                                                                                             W.  Fred  Duckworth  grew  up  in  Kernersville,  graduating
                                                                                         from  Kernersville  High  School.  Later  he  attended  Davidson  Col-
                                                                                         lege.  His  long  association  with  Ford  Motor  Company  dates  back
                                                                                         to  1920  and  he  worked  in  numerous  positions  in  Charlotte,
                                                                                         Memphis  and  Norfolk.  He  is  now  Chairman  of  the  Board  of
                                                                                         Cavalier  Ford,  Inc.,  in  Norfolk,  Virginia.  He  served  as  Mayor
                                                                                         of  the  City  of  Norfolk  from  1950  to  1962.  He  is  Vice-Chairman
                                                                                         of  the  Chesapeake  Bay  Bridge  and  Tunnel  Commission,  Presi-
                                                                                         dent  and  Treasurer  of  the  MacArthur  Memorial  Foundation,
                                                                                         President  and  General  Manager  of  Tidewater  Virginia  Develop-
                                                                                         ment  Council,  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Tidewater  Small  Busi-
                                                                                         ness  Investment  Corp.
                                                                                             He  received  an  honorarv  Doctor  of  Laws  degree  from
                                                                                         Howard  Payne  College  in  1969.  He  was  selected  "First  Citizen"
                                                                                         by the  City  of  Norfolk  in  1956.

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