P. 50

Serving the Community

                                             CIVIC  ORGANIZATIONS

             The  c1v1c  organizations  of  any  community  play  a
        vital part in its  social,  economic,  and political life.  Citi-
        zens  of  Kernersville  have  been  active  participants  in
        numerous  organizations  for  the  betterment of  the  town.
             In  June  1968,  because  of  many  new  industries  and
        people  moving  into  the  Kernersville  area,  several  busi-
        ness  and  professional  women  saw  the  need  for  some
        kind  of  club  for  women  who  worked.  The  Winston-
        Salem Business and Professional Women's Club was  con-
        tacted  and  they  agreed  to  sponsor  a  new  club  m
             On  Sept.  11,  1968,  a  tea  was  held  in  the  home  of
        Rosa  Lee  Collins.  After  members  of the  Winston-Salem
                                                                                           Miss  Vickie  McCollum  receiving  first  scholarship  of  Business
        B.  P.  W.  Club  discussed  the  activities,  objectives,  and                 and  Professional  Womens  Club  from   aomi  McCorkindale-1969.
                                                                                        Mary  Gale  Price,  Barbara  Rose,   aomi  McCorkindale,  Vickie  Mc-
        aims,  it  was  decided  that  this  was  the  kind  of  club  the              Collum,  Bertha Long,  Nannette  Creasy.
        Kernersville  women wanted.  A  meeting was  held  Octo-
        ber 10, 1968, at the home of Naomi McCorkindale for the
        purpose  of  organizing  a  B.P.W.  Club  in  Kernersville.
        Rosa  Lee Collins  was  elected President.  The  club  char-
        ter was  signed  March  31,  1969.
             One  of  the  Club's  annual  civic  participation  proj-
        ects  is  assisting  the  Forsyth  Branch  of  the  North  Caro-
        lina  Chapter,  National  Cystic-Fibrosis  Research  Foun-
        dation,  with  house-to-house  campaigns  in  fund  raising
        for  research.  Another project of  the  club  is  to  present  a
        $100  scholarship  to  a  girl  from  the  Kernersville  area  at
        East Forsyth High School each spring.  Vicky  McCullum
        and  Gwen  Rohath  have  been  recipients  of  this  award.
        National  Business  Women's  Week  is  observed  each
        October  when  the  local  club  recognizes  the  "Business
        and Professional Woman of the Year".  The first  recipient
        of  this  award  was  Mrs.  Boyd  Stafford - 1970.
                                                                                            The  Kernersville  Rest  Home  is  a  sixty-bed  facility  that  started  opera-
                                                                                       tions  under  the  management  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  Winsted  in  July,  1965,
                                                                                       with  a  staff  of  26  employees.  \Ve  offer  a  24-hour  service  to  the  aged  and
                                                                                       infirmed  with  personalized  care  for  each  guest.  May  we  have  the  privilege
                                                                                        of  serving  you  and  your  loved  ones.  Pictured  are:  Lucy  Smith,  Allie  Harrell,
                                                                                       Shirley  Robertson,  Mary  Mason,  Mr.  Winsted,  Edith  Jones,  Virgie  Carter,
                                                                                       Edna James,  Kay  Honaker and  Mary  Ellen  Castle.

                                                            White  Shield  Discount  Center  opened  in
                                                          Kernersville  in  May,  1967,  bringing  the
                                                          first  discount  store  to  Kernersville.  Buying
                                                          direct  from  the  manufacturer  allows  lowest
                                                          prices  and  fresh  merchandise  on  health  and
                                                          beauty  aids.  The  store  is  managed  by
                                                          Clara  Ammen,  assisted  by  Peggy  Crews.
                                                          Kirk  and  Becky  Varner  are  the  owners.

                                                                 The  Kernersville   Plant  of  Burlington
                                                               Socks  dates  back  to  April,  1949,  with  the
                                                               merger  of  plants  from  Asheboro,  N.  C.  and
                                                               Independence,  Virginia.  The  plant  was  lo-
                                                               cated  on  Main  Street  until  January,  1962,
                                                               when  it  moved  to  its  present  location.
                                                               Today  Burlington  Socks  is  the  leader  in
                                                               the  manufacturing  of  men's  hosiery.

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