P. 51
Bowman's Jewelers, located at 128 West
Mountain Street, is operated by J. D. and
Dot Bowman. Began busine~s in 1951.
Distributors of Food Specialties, featur-
ing Wise Potato Chips, Old London Food
Products and Brach Candies started in
business in 1954, moved to Kernersville in
1962. With new expansion planned in
1971, we will have a facility encompassing
24,000 sq. ft. We are proud to share in
the constant growth with our Kernersville
neighbors .. Pictured is J. H. Pinsker.
The Experiment in Self Reliance has been assisting
the local community in a number of ways. Two years
ago the Life Line Organization formed from the Ker-
nersville Development Council presented its needs to
Activities, carried out under the supervision of ESR
and sponsored by the Catholic Mission, have their head-
quarters at the community house in the basement of the
Bible Way Church. Community residents have painted
and fixed up the basement of the Church where they
meet. There is a pre-school program from 9-12 a. m.
daily. Afternoons, and especially on Saturdays during
the school term, ther are pre-teen and teenage activities
Experiment in Self Re-
liance. such as arts and crafts, sewing, knitting, cooking, and
home management. People of all ages participate in the
various activities. There are two play grounds - one on
Church Street and one on Justice Street. Local residents
helped install equipment and the neighborhood children
rarely let it sit idle.
ESR has assisted in forming a Buying Club Co-
operative. Meetings between the ESR, townfathers and
other interested persons have resulted in the formation of
a Public Housing Authority. Family Services Program
funded through the United Fund and ESR have opened
a Day Care Center on Trent Street. Approximately 45
children are being cared for.
Evelyn's Beauty Salon was opened thirty years ago over the P&N
M & M Oil Compan!f, located at 400 Bodenhamer Street, was started store as a one operator shop. After several locations we purchased our
in 1968 by William A. Manuel arid Frances Lee Manuel. The company present building and grew with the town to a five chair shop. Present staff:
distributes fuel oil. Evelyn Brown, Georgia Shields, Elizabeth McKaugan, and Renee Linville.