P. 46
Mrs. Leo Burks, Jr.
Alderman 1959-1961
Pinnix Drug Store was established "on the square" in 1904 by J. M.
("Neighbor") Pinnix. The store is one of the three oldest family-owned
pharmacies in the state, being operated by three generations of Pinnixes,
and also one of the oldest businesses in Kernersville, situated in the same
Mrs. Margaret Burks served as Kernersville's one J. M. Pinnix, Sr. ("Neighbor") was born January 20,
and only woman member of the Board of Aldermen from 1882 to Reverend J. W. and Victoria Caffey Pinnix. At
May 1959-1961. She has often been referred to as the the age of eighteen he went to work for Dr. B. J. Sapp
"Mother of planning and zoning." helping run a pharmacy in one room of the hotel. He
She was born and reared at Woodsdale, Person studied pharmacy in Raleigh and later worked one
County. After graduating from Bethel Hill High School year in Durham before returning in 1904 to establish
she obtained a B.S. in Business Administration from East Pinnix Drug Store. He was married to the former
Carolina University. She did secretarial work at UNC-G Mayde Leak. They lived the second door south of the
before her marriage to Leo F. Burks, Jr., who is em- drug store and for sixty years, all day each day, and
ployed at Western Electric. They have a son and a late at night when need be, he dispensed pills and medi-
daughter. cines until one million prescriptions had been filled by
Mrs. Burks was a charter member of the Woman's February 10, 1958. He served continuously on the Board
Club; she has been active in the local P.T.A.; she is a of Aldermen from 1917 until retiring from the Board in
member of the Homemaker's Extension Club and serves 1961. He was a staunch supporter of Main Street United
on the Board of Managers for the YMCA. ,She is a mem- Methodist Church.
ber of the Presbyterian Church. J. M. Pinnix, Jr. was born to J. M. and Mayde Pinnix
A unique family contribution to the government of on January 3, 1911, the second of two sons (Joe L. Pin-
Kernersville has been that of "Neighbor" (1917-1961), nix being the other). He attended the Kernersville schools
J. M. (1961-1970), and Johnny (1970-) Pinnix who have and in 1921 was a member of the State Soccer Champion-
given fifty-three years of continuous service as mem- ship team. In 1930 he worked in Washington, D. C. for
bers of the Board of Aldermen. Congressman Frank Hancock. Later he returned to Ker-
John Marshall Pinnix
Alderman 1917-1961
J. M. Pinnix, Jr.
Alderman 1961-1970
J. M. Pinnix III
Alderman 1970-