P. 41
Aldermen four years. He was born in Forsyth County in
1894 and subsequently attended Kernersville Academy,
Oak Ridge Military Academy, and Trinity College, later
Duke University. Throughout his life he was very much
interested in Main Street United Methodist Church and
served it in many capacities. Following his term as mayor
he set up an individually owned and independent sales
and purchase organization of plywood and veneers which
grew to serve the eastern half of the United States. He
also served as President of Norwood Veneer Co. from
1941 until his death in 1966.
J. Harmon Linville, son of C. L. Linville, was elected
mayor in 1933 and re-elected for a second term in 1935.
He was declared to be the youngest mayor in the United
States at the time of his first election. He served as Ker- J. Harmon Linville-Mayor Dr. 0. L. Joyner- Mayor
1933-1935 1936-1939
nersville's Postmaster from 1936-1966 and was elected
President of the N. C. Postmaster's Association in 1953.
He is an alumnus of North Carolina State University, a ing the water tank, hours governing the closing on Sun-
three-year veteran of World War II, a Mason, a Shriner, days of drug stores, service stations, and cafes, a project
an active member of Main Street United Methodist to eliminate industrial wastes, parking, auto license
Church. His most recent community activity has been stickers, street assessments, an ordinance defining milk
as chairman of the John R. Paddison Memorial Build- and certain milk products, requiring permits for sale of
ing Committee. December 6, 1970 a beautiful new li- milk and milk products. One letter of particular interest
brary was dedicated to the memory of Dr. J. R. Paddi- in 1943 was from Duke Power Co.:
son and to the service of the citizens of Kernersville and "I have your letter of June 14th stating that
surrounding area. the Town of Kernersville wishes to install some
Dr. Oscar L. Joyner came to Kernersville from Yad- extra str et lights. I quote from the War Pro-
kin County in 1915. He practiced dentistry here for duction Board regarding the curtailment of
street lighting extensions . . . I believe it would
fifty-one years. He was a leader in the First Baptist
be a waste of time to submit to WPB applica-
Church. During his term as mayor from 1936-39 many tion for street lighting extension at this time."
of the Kernersville streets were paved. He and D. W. C. E. Earle Jr., a native of Georgia and graduate of
Harmon, the town secretary and treasurer, worked stren- Clemson College, Anderson, S. C., brought his family
uously on the issuance of bonds to put the town on a from High Point to Kernersville in 1939. They joined the
sound financial basis following the depression years. He Moravian Church and were active members. He was a
died in 1966. member of the local Lions Club and a 32nd Degree Ma-
William W. Fulp was educated in the local schools son. Mr. Earle served as mayor 1947-48. He was instru-
and later attended Duke University. He returned to mental in obtaining federal aid for the school's food pro-
Kernersville and went to work for Vance Knitting Co. gram and in the improvement of the purification of the
He was active in his church, Main Street United Method- town's water supply.
ist Church, and in the affairs of the community. He
served as mayor from 1940-46. The minutes of the
board meetings record such business as: painting fire
hydrants, contract for auditing the town books, paint- C. E . Earle, Jr. being sworn in as mayor by Fred Morris 1947
William N. Fulp-