P. 39
From the period 1914-16 the town record does not
have the name or names of who served as mayor during
these World War I years. Mr. Will Cook who served as
magistrate of Kernersville for twenty-five years was
mayor for a short time during this interim.
Yancy Bartlett Albert, familiarly known as "Y. B.",
was born in Guilford county near Oak Ridge, North
Carolina on November 5, 1887. He was the son of James
and Melissa Albert, and when he was about ten years
old, he and his parents moved to Kernersville. "Y. B."
was married to i\tliss Eugenia Briggs. They had five
In his early business connections he was employed
Walter S. Linville-Mayor C. L. Linville-Mayor
1908-1909 1909-1911 by the late M. Vance Fulp in the manufacturing of fur-
niture. Later, the Acme Lumber Company, a building
concern, was organized. As manager of this company,
Military Institute, he taught for five years. In 1900 he
he helped erect many schools and homes in this area.
formed a partnership with his brother, J. P. Linville and
Y. B. Albert was always interested in community
operated the mercantile firm of C. L. Linville and Co.
affairs. He was a charter member of the Lions Club,
for thirty-nine years. He also served as an alderman, a
served as secretary of the Kernersville Council of the
magistrate, chairman of the local school board, registrar,
Junior Order United American Mechanics, and was a
and was Kernersville's Postmaster from 1912-1920.
member of the Main Street Methodist Church. He served
William Cornelius Stafford was born in Kernersville
April 10, 1858; he died June 13, 1934. His father was
Francis Marion Stafford; his mother, Sarah Elizabeth
Teague Stafford. He attended the public school and the
Ken1ersville Academy. He married Florence Eleanor
Rights; to them were born eight children.
He made a profession of faith in Christ and joined
the Main Street United Methodist Church in 1876. For
years he served on the board of stewards, and when the
present church was built he served on the building com-
He was a tobacco salesman, traveling by horse and
buggy both in North and South Carolina; and he was a Yancy Bartlett Albert-Mayor
farmer - he loved the land, the trees and the growing 1917-1921; 1929-1930
crops. In 1905 he went into the mercantile business, first
as a partner of L. E. Griffith, and after Mr. Griffith's
death he continued the business in his own name.
He served as mayor of Kernersville 1911-1912 and
1912-1913. During his term the first cement sidewalks
were laid. He took particular interest in bringing cultural
programs to the community such as the lyceum and Cha-
taqua groups.
William G. Cooke-Mayor W. C. Stafford-Mayor
1915 1911-1913