P. 29
Moravian Church
November 10, 1867
Main Street United Methodist Church 1837
Frederick Kerner and his sons, having been associated
with the Moravian church in the Friedland community,
longed to have a house of worship of the Moravian
faith in town. So, John Frederick, along with his
family, and other interested persons, set themselves on
a course to make their dream a reality.
The land for the church site, and that of the grave-
yard was given by brother Kerner, and he was ably as-
sisted by his sons in the getting of material. The brick
was made by hand from clay on the Kerner homestead.
In May of 1867, the construction was begun and
the comer stone was set. The structure, consisting of
a main auditorium, with two small rooms in the rear,
with a gallery around three sides, and with a pulpit area,
was completed and dedicated November 10, 1867. This
original structure, though having undergone various
renovations, still serves as the main sanQtuary for the
The ministers serving during the late 1800's and
early 1900's were: the Reverends Isaac Prince, C. L.
Rights, C. S. Crossland, and Charles Wenhold.
There followed a period of eleven years in which
the congregation was under the capable leadership of
a group of laymen, with the inspiring nonresident minis-
try of Bishop Edward Rondthaler. During this time the
church maintained all services, under its principal lay The original Band of Moravian Church in 1890: Kerr Pepper, James J!'.
Kerner, David Kerner, Carl R. Kerner, H. C. Korner and Percy Kerner (m
leader, Mr. James P. Adkins.
front). f I . . h Id
Members of the Moravian band hold an in orma sess10n m t e o
In 1922, the Reverend Walser H. Allen came as kitchen of the church in 1949: John Vance (note beard grown for Forsyth
Centennial) Michael York, Ted Kerner, Ronald 11cLean and Jim Shore.
resident minister, and he was to remain as pastor for a
twenty-five year period, until 1947. During his tenure
all aspects of church life were strengthened and solidified
A renovation of the sanctuary, and the addition of a
Christian education wing was completed with the gen-
erous support of Robert Shore.
This ministry was followed by the ten year ministry
of the Reverend Clayton Persons, under whose guidance,
the larger, present Christian education facility was added
to the church structure. There followed then a brief
ministry under the Reverend Kenneth Ball, and then
the ministry of the church was in the care of the Rev-
erend James \Veingarth. The present minister is the
Reverend Teny Jones.