P. 57

Frank  C.  Ausband,  Attorney;  prac-
                                                                                       ticing  law  in  Kernersville  since  1954.
                                                                                       Received  his  B.S.  degree  from  Wake
                                                                                       Forest  University  in  1946  and  his
                                                                                       LL.B.  degree  from  Wake  Forest  in

                           Daughters  of the  American  Revolution.
                                 Community  House  1939.
                                 Names  listed  on  page  96

              On Tuesday,  November  17,  1936  a  group  of women
         met  at  the  home  of  Mrs.  Clay  V.  Ring,  Sr.  for  the  pur-
         pose  of  organizing  a  chapter  of  the  Daughters  of  the
         American  Revolution.  It  was  decided  that  the  chapter
         would  be  named  for  Joseph  Kerner,  a  man  of  means
         and  influence,  a  stauch  American  patriot,  industrious
         and  of firm  religious  belief  and practice.
               Mrs.  Geraldine  Fleshman  Pratt  was  the  Organizing
         Regent  of  the  new  Joseph  Kerner  Chapter.  At  this
         time  (1936)  it was  noted that eleven  of the  women  were                           The  Linen  Closet,  owned  by  C.  E.  Eller,  opened  in  August,  1966.
         direct  descendants  of  Joseph,  two  were  wives  of  direct                     Located  at  803  East  Mountain  Street  in  Kernersville.  Our  new  addition,
                                                                                            The  Dressing  Room,  opened in  August,  1970.
         descendants, and  two  associate  members  were  direct  de-
         scendants.  His  descendants  are  proud  to  be  daughters
         of  that  heritage.
              The  object of this  society is  to  perpetuate  the mem-
         ory  and  spirit  of  the  men  and  women  who  achieved
         American Independence,  to promote an enlightened  pub-
         lic  opinion,  and  to  foster  patriotic  citizeRship.  An  ap-
         plicant  for  membership  must  be  at  least  eighteen  years
         of  age.  She  must  be  a  lineal  descendant,  through  a
         valid  marriage,  of  an  ancestor  who  assisted  in  the
         achievement  of  American  Independence.
               The first  elected Regent of the Joseph Kerner Chap-
         ter was  Mrs.  Clay V.  Ring,  Sr.  and the  first  Vice  Regent
         was Mrs .. E. N.  Allen.  In January 1971, the Joseph Kerner
         Chapter  had  25  members  and  one  associate  member.  A
         me  ting is  held  the  third  Saturday  of  each  month.  This
         chapter  is  one  of  95  chapters  in  North  Carolina.  The                         Donald  B.  Williams,  Accountant  located  at  333  W est  Mountain  Street.
         present regent of the Joseph Kerner Chapter is  Mrs.  The-                        Pictured  are:  Rebecca  A.  Lauten,  Shirley  M.  Williams  and  Donald  B.
         odore  C.  Kerner;  the  Vice  Regent  is  Mrs.  Robah  B.

              Duke  Power  Company  (formerly  Southern  Public  Utilities  Co.),  has
         been  serving  the  Kernersville  area  since  July,  1926.  More  than  15  years  ago
         the  company  recognized  Kernersville  as  a  high  potential  growth  area.  It
         began  expanding  its  operations  and  is  still  continuing  to  do  so  to  meet  the
         ever  growing  needs  for  power  in  the  greater  Kernersville  area.  Pictured
         are:  Ethel  W.  Wilson,  Mary  N.  Cromer,  C.  Wiley  Cruise,  Curtis  E.  Cook,
         Louise  Edwards  and  Pharis  C.  Brinkley.

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