P. 59

Man is by nature                                                     The  Kernersville  Civitan  Club  was  chartered  on
                                                                                      April  27,  1957  with  36  members.  The  club  was  char-
                                                                                      tered  by the  Hamilton Lakes Civitan Club.  The Charter
                          a civic animal.                                             Night Program was  held at the Kernersville  High School

                                                                                      Cafeteria  (now  Kernersville  Elementary).  Mr.  Thomas
                                                                                      P.  Bobo  was  the  first  president.  The  Civitans'  motto  is
                                                                                       "Builder  of  Good  Citizenship."
                                                                                            Local  Civitans  sponsor  an  annual  essay  contest  on
                                                                                      citizenship  at  East  Forsyth  High  School.  The  winner  is
                                                                                      awarded  a  $25  bond.  A  Citizenship  award  is  presented
                                                                                      each  year  to  the  student  chosen  as  the  best  citizen  at
                                                                                      E.F.H.S.  This  past year the  club  started  a  Horace  Nel-
                                                                                      son  award to  the  outstanding student in  Mathematics  at
                                                                                      E.F.H.S.  They  send  a  rising  senior  as  a  delegate  to
                                                                                      Wild Acres,  an  interdenominational  camp  each year.  In
                                                                                      December  1970,  they  chartered  the  first  Junior  Civitan
                                                                                       Club  in  Forsyth  County  at  E.F.H.S.  All  the  clubs  of
                                                                                      the Western N.  C.  District sponsor a cottage for the Boys'
                                                                                       Home at Lake Waccamaw.  Mike  Hampton is  their 1971
                                                                                      presid  nt.  C.  W.  Barrow has  been  secretary  for  several
             Civitan  Club - 1971  Officers:  First  row:  T.  G.  Corder,  Mike  Hampton,
         Coy  Vance.   Second  row:  Danny  Harris,  James  McBride,  Shirley  Smith,   years.
         Fred  Ingram,  Clay  Barrow,

                                                                                          M  &  J  Credit  Corporation  would
                                                                                        like  to  take  this  opportunity  to  say
                                                                                        they  are  proud  to  be  taking  part  in
                                                                                        the  Kernersville  Bicentennial.  It  is
                                                                                        a  pleasure  for  them  to  be  able  to
                                                                                        be  of  service  to  the  nnP  oeop 1 P.  of
                                                                                        this  community.  Dennis  Clary,  Betsy
                                                                                        Winfree,  Larry Everhart .

             Boyer's  started  in  business  in  December,  1956  as  a  small  children's  shop
         on  North  Main.  Later  moved  to  114  N.  Main,  then  in  1963  to  new  build-
         ing  at  112  South  Main,  adding  a  complete  line  of  ladies'  ready-to-wear.  A
         new  sporting  goods  store  on  West  Mountain  Street  was  added  in  1970. These
         businesses  are  owned  and  operated  by  George  W.  Boyer,  Jr.  Pictured  are
         George  and  Mrs.  George  Stephens.

             H  &  R  Block,  Inc.,  America's  largest  income  tax  service  with  5,000
         offices,  opened  in  Kernersville  in  1969  with  Mrs.  Barbara  J.  Bull  as  man-
         ager.  Our  aim  is  to  personally  serve  the  people  of  Kernersville  in  the
         preparation  of  quality  tax  returns  and  to  keep  them  informed  of  the  con-
         stantly  changing tax  laws.                                                                                                    KING·BURGERS_

                                                                                                                                           '  .. ,,..   I
                                                                                                                                            ...  2U:J  ._.

                                                                                          Ray's  Kingburger  is  proud  to  have  been  a  part  of  the  Kernersville
                                                                                      community  since  1966.

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